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The Inverse of a Square Matrix

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1 The Inverse of a Square Matrix
Section 2.6 The Inverse of a Square Matrix

2 Inverse of a Matrix Let A be a square matrix. A square matrix A-1 of equal size such that A-1A = AA-1 = I is called the inverse of A. Ex. Given matrix A, show matrix A-1 is its inverse. and

3 Finding the Inverse of a Matrix
Given the square matrix A. Adjoin the identity matrix I (of the same size) to form the augmented matrix: [A | I] Use row operations to reduce the matrix to the form: [I | B] (if possible) Matrix B is the inverse of A.

4 Ex. Find the inverse of A. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

5 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

6 Step 7 ***Note: If there had been a row to the left of the vertical line in the augmented matrix containing all zeros, there would have been no inverse.

7 Formula for the Inverse of a 2 x 2 Matrix
Let Ex.

8 Solving a System of Equations Using an Inverse
If AX = B is a linear system of equations (number of equations = number of variables) and A-1 exists, then X = A-1B is the unique solution of the system.

9 Ex. Use an inverse matrix to solve:
So (–2 , 3) is the solution Multiply by the inverse

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