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Improve your innovation efforts and start with an

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1 Improve your innovation efforts and start with an
Innovation audit

2 Talking about innovation …
Play innovation games Coaching for R&D Get an innovation guru Team sessions Innovation training Idea box Reorganize Talking about innovation …

3 Innovation is different in different companies
Stays close to customers Started as a pioneer, now copies the world and makes it better Builds brilliant new ideas Lower cost is a religion Innovation adapts to the company and not the other way around.

4 Organizations are built over time…
Our beliefs The key to being more innovative is not to change your organization, but to identify ways to fit innovation in your current company culture. Your company doesn’t have to adapt to innovation Innovation needs to adapt to your business Organizations are built over time…

5 Why innovation is needed?
Cost Advantage Cost Leadership Strategy Competitieve Advantage (1) Differentiation advantage Differentiation Strategy Need for continuous Innovation (1) Michael Porter, 1985 Innovation Strategy

6 The Innovation Value Chain(1)
Idea Generation In-house Cross pollination External Conversion Selection Development Diffusion spread These are the 3 pillars of every innovation process (1) HBR: The Innovation Value Chain, by Morten T. Hansen and Julian Birkinshaw. June ,2007.

7 The solution is not more ideas…
Not the quantity of ideas is the success factor, but the quality of ideas does.

8 … but better processes Strategy Needs Definition Product strategy to fit needs Ideation Ideas to fit needs Product definition Product Devel. Selection Evaluation vs. objective criteria Execution Getting it done Constant Feedback Lets illustrate this process with the ‘Pet Rock’ case …

9 Strategically matching products and needs
Which processes? April 1975, (California) Gary Dahl was in a bar listening to his friends complain about their pets. This gave him the idea for the perfect "pet": a rock! Stage 1: Strategically matching products and needs

10 Ideation: fit which needs?
Benefits of a Pet rock: Not to be fed, not to have a walk, need no bath, will not die, become not sick, not disobedient, always ready for you, easy to transport, very hygienic, etc. Stage 2: Ideation: fit which needs?

11 Some examples …

12 Test Layout

13 Some of the rock names …

14 Believe it or not… The Petrock is back again

15 Selection of Ideas Stage 3: Product name: Pet Rock Selection of ideas
Alternative models A new type of pet rock (see version with USB) An educational version (selling creativity An electronic pet rock Or the same as before Which rock? Writing ‘The Pet Rock Training Manual’

16 Execution… Stage 4: Execution Pet Rock figures: Not a new Petrock
Sale price 1976: $ 3,95 Today we see again the Pet Rock offered at $ 11,95 Apparently: the need for a pet rock is still alive… Not a new Petrock But an authentic Petrock Stage 4: Execution

17 How are they doing… not bad…

18 Innovation check-up Do you know if your innovation capabilities and competencies are well managed? How can you know this? Solution: the innovation audit (scan)

19 Innovation audit path Step1: Data collection ( +/-3 days)
Step 2: Diagnosis & analyzing (+/-6 days) Step 3: Reporting (1 day)

20 The innovation audit: interview
Interviews Self Assessments General manager Technical manager Financial manager Marketing & sales manager(s) R&D manager ? We will ask a limited number of people to fill in self assessments in areas we think could be issues Interview Team 2 consultants will conduct the interviews Step1: Data collection (+/-3 days)

21 A world class analysis system
Developed by Prof. Dr. Felix Janszen Over 60 analytic modules to manage the whole innovation process 7 self assessment modules Innovation scorecard Innovation organization DNA: Innovation Radar Innovation organization attributes Innovators DNA Organization Drivers assessment Rating your company’s innovation value chain Fast Bridge and INPAQT have concluded a Partnership

22 The innovation audit: diagnosis & analysis
Based on the information received in the interviews we will be able to: Make an actual situation of your innovation efforts Analyze your figures and activities related to (real) innovation Propose a scoring of the different elements of your innovation management Evaluate the information and formulate clear and feasible recommendations Step 2: Diagnosis & analyzing (+/-6 days)

23 The innovation audit: reporting
Than we will present you a report with: Our findings Scoring charts Our advice how to improve innovation at your company How to put this implementation plan in action Step 3: Reporting (1 days)

24 Structure of our innovation audit
We will challenge you on the following themes: Strategy (innovation) Management & innovation culture Idea generation & selection Idea conversion Commercialization Feed back loop (lessons learned)

25 Within the Management team
Gap Analysis Management vs. the team Average mgnt. team: 72% Average team (bleu) Within the Management team Score 4/5 manager Score of 1/5 manager

26 Outcome Innovation audit
It will be an innovation implementation plan to: Avoid (as much as possible) the 7 myths Review your innovation strategy Improve the innovation culture Implement (improve) an innovation process Lessons learned loop Innovation dashboard measurements Get fully control of your innovation activities …

27 Our innovation approach
Proposal What are the ‘pains’? How to tackle these ‘pains’? Coaching of proposal on the work floor Innovation audit Execution

28 The key deliverable is not a company change, but a first step forwards…

29 In innovation, as in any other endeavor, there is talent, there is ingenuity, and there is knowledge. But when all is said and done, what innovation requires is hard, focused, purposeful work. If diligence, persistence, and commitment are lacking, talent, ingenuity, and knowledge are of no avail Peter Drukker The discipline of Innovation


31 Questions & Answers …

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