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Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 21 Topic: C.5 Population Ecology Essential Question: Two centuries ago, there were only one billion people on Earth. Today, over 6 billion. Which phase of the s- curve are we in? BIOZONE: None C.5 Population Ecology Two centuries ago, there were only one billion people on Earth. Today, over 6 billion. Which phase of the s-curve are we in? Key Vocabulary: Natality Mortality Immigration Emigration Carrying Capacity S-shaped curve Exponential phase Transitional Phase Plateau Phase BIOZONE: None

2 PICTURES P. 20 Natality Mortality Immigration Emigration
S-shaped Curve Picture

3 Understandings- The phases show in the sigmoid curve can be explained by relative rates of natality, mortality, immigration and emigration

4 Population Dynamics 1. Natality- the # of new members of the species due to reproduction 2. Mortality- the # of deaths Draw pictures that represent each P. 20

5 3. Immigration- the number of individuals arriving from other places
4. Emigration- the number of individuals leaving the population Draw pictures that represent each P. 20

6 Population Dynamics After Mt. St. Helen’s Eruption, the massive mortality rate reduced the population #s to about zero Emigration before and immediately following the eruption greatly decreased populations in the wider vicinity Today, immigration and natality are improving the population #s dramatically

7 Population Growth Curve
After an event that wipes out most life (Mt. St. Helens), there can be a dramatic increase in population #s Over the years, the # of trees and birds with rise at ever-increasing rates as the organisms reproduce and occupy available space

8 Population Growth Curve
Eventually a complete forest will grow again, and all habitats will be occupied The numbers of organisms will stabilize and not get any bigger

9 The Sigmoid (s-Shaped) Curve
The sigmoid (s-shaped) curve shows the three stages of population growth

10 White Boards!!! Get Your Whiteboards!!!!
Remainder of p. 21 S-shaped Curve Exponential Growth Phase Transitional Phase Plateau Phase White Boards!!! Get Your Whiteboards!!!!

11 The Sigmoid (s-Shaped) Curve
1. Exponential Growth Phase (logarithmic phase): the numbers of individuals increases at a faster and faster rate

12 Exponential Phase In ideal conditions, a population can double on a regular basis (not counting mortality) What are these “ideal” conditions? (Whiteboards) Plentiful resources (space/food/light) Little or no competition (food/mates/…) Abiotic resources (temp/climate) Little or no predation Little or no disease

13 The Sigmoid (s-Shaped) Curve
2. Transitional phase: the growth rate slows down considerably- the population is still increasing but at a slower and slower rate

14 Transitional Phase What will begin to happen as growth rate continues to increase? Eventually, some of the previously listed factors above will no longer be true. This leads to the transitional phase: As population number increases, competition increases Predators will be attracted to a growing food supply and move in As numbers increase, and crowding occur, diseases begin to spread

15 The Sigmoid (s-Shaped) Curve
3. The Plateau Phase (Stationary phase): the number of individuals has stabilized- there is no more growth

16 Plateau Phase Once all the fertile ground is covered with plants the space available will be occupied to its maximum (less available room for seeds) With increasing #s of herbivores, there will be a limited supply of food (in response, animals have less offspring) Predators and disease increase mortality rate Growth curve tends to level off

17 Understandings- Population growth slows as a population reaches the carrying capacity of the environment

18 Carrying Capacity Carrying capacity is the maximum # of individuals that a particular habitat can support No habitat can accommodate an unlimited number of organisms (populations cannot grow forever) Carrying capacity---- “K”

19 The Sigmoid (s-Shaped) Curve
Is an idealized version of population growth Exponential phase- natality is high and mortality is low Transitional phase- natality is lower and mortality is higher Plateau phase- natality and mortality are equal and emigration and immigration are equal The ideal population is in dynamic equilibrium at the carrying capacity of the environment

20 s-Shaped Curve Draw on the bottom of P. 20 USE 3 COLORS TO CODE
Carrying Capacity K

21 NEW SEATING CHART-stand in back/side of room Get out homework
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 23 Topic: C.5 Population Ecology Essential Question: NONE. BIOZONE: None C.5 Population Ecology None. Key Vocabulary: Density-independent Density-dependent Bottom-up control Top-down control BIOZONE: None NEW SEATING CHART-stand in back/side of room Get out homework

22 White Boards!!! Get Your Whiteboards!!!!
What are some factors that would LIMIT the carrying capacity of a habitat?

23 Factors that change the sigmoid growth curve
Availability of resources: water food sunlight shelter space oxygen Build up of waste such as excrement or excess CO² Predation Disease

24 Examples of factors that change the sigmoid growth curve
Abiotic- temperature- cold temps could increase mortality rates Biotic- a living organism can be introduced to “control” population #s (i.e. an invasive species) Density independent- Any factor limiting the size of a population whose effect is NOT dependent on the number of individuals in the population. An example of such a factor is an earthquake. Affects all of the population equally Density dependent- Any factors where the effects on the size or growth of a population vary with the density of the population itself. An example of such a factor is loss of space. Affects large populations and small populations differently- (i.e. disease spreading)

25 Population Dynamics Worksheet

26 Understandings- Limiting factors can be top down or bottom up.

27 Limiting Factors The limiting factors that define the carrying capacity of a population can exert: Top-down control Predators Bottom-up control nutrients

28 Limiting Factors Bottom-up control: refers to ecosystems in which the nutrient supply/productivity and type of primary producers control the ecosystem structure Ex: Plankton populations are controlled by the availability of nutrients More nutrients= more plankton nutrients

29 Limiting Factors Top-down control: refers to ecosystems in which a top predator controls the structure or population dynamics of the ecosystem Ex: Sea otters in the kelp forest. Keystone predator: prey on sea urchins which eat kelp. When otters are removed, kelp forest ceases to exist.

30 Limiting Factors It is most common for populations to be influenced by both types of control

31 Application- Bottom-up control of algal blooms by shortage of nutrients and top-down control by herbivory

32 Skill- Modeling the growth curve using a simple organism such as yeast or species of Lemna

33 Challenge Yourself- due tomorrow
Bottom-up: Nutrients (increase algal blooms that negatively affect the coral) Top-down: Herbivorous fish that eat the algae (keep the reef healthy)

34 Challenge Yourself- due tomorrow
1. What are your overall observations of the impact that reduced or elevated nutrients have on the algae mean percent cover?

35 Challenge Yourself 2. For study site A, compare the mean percentage cover of all three alga types with reduced and elevated nutrients. What were the resulting effects on the coral? Crustose corallines: Cc appears to have a much higher mean percent cover with reduced nutrients over elevated nutrients There is much less Cc cover when nutrient levels are high Frondose macroalgae: Fm appears to have a much higher mean percent cover with elevated nutrient levels Algal turfs: At appear to have a higher mean percent cover when nutrients are reduced

36 Challenge Yourself 3. For site A, the prediction was that macroalgae would be dominant in the competition for percentage cover with elevated nutrients. Was the prediction correct? GIVE EVIDENCE to support your answer. Yes. F. macroalgae has a mean percentage cover of 63.7 vs. 1.8 for C. corallines and 14.5 for A. turfs.

37 Challenge Yourself 4. Describe a benefit to the coral reef that occurred over the 24 months at site D. The mean percent cover of C. corallines is dominant (71.7) over the two other (sometimes harmful) algae. F. macroalgae is at 16.9 and A. turfs is at 22.1

38 Challenge Yourself 4. Explain the conditions under which eutrophication-induced (nutrient enriched) microalgae (A. turfs) blooms decreased the growth of the reef-building corals (C. corallines).

39 BIOZONE: None. BIOZONE: None.
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 25 Topic: C-5 Population Ecology Essential Question: Describe the major differences between r-strategists and K- strategists. Include examples. BIOZONE: None. C-5 Population Ecology Describe the major differences between r-strategists and K-strategists. Include examples. Key Vocabulary: r-strategy K-strategy BIOZONE: None.

40 24 Zebra mussel v Zebra

41 Understandings- The exponential growth pattern occurs in an ideal, unlimited environment

42 Which of these two organisms is most likely to survive an ecological disaster which caused extreme changes in both terrestrial (land) and aquatic ecosystems? Zebra Mussel Zebra

43 P. 24 Habitat (environment)
In order to answer this question properly, we need to understand some background information about the animals in question: With your table, make a list (whiteboards- 2 per table) of everything you know about the Habitat (environment) Reproduction (offspring #/parenting styles/reproduction rate) Growth rate Food habits Life span Size …. of the zebra mussel or zebra (feel free to use internet on phone) P. 24 Zebra Mussel Zebra

44 Known as K-strategist Known as r-strategist Live up to 40 years
Zebra Zebra Mussel Live up to 40 years Requires a stable environment Long gestation period (pregnancy) during which the mother needs good nutrition Baby zebra need maternal care Savannah must have enough food In the event of an ecological disaster: The few offspring produced would NOT survive Known as K-strategist Live 4-5 years Unstable environment Lays thousands of eggs which hatch into free swimming larvae Most of the eggs will die (eaten) Hundreds will survive No parental care In the event of an ecological disaster: A few would be likely to survive Known as r-strategist

45 K-strategist (K=carrying capacity)
r-strategist (rate) K-strategist (K=carrying capacity)

46 r-strategists Organisms that live in unstable environments tend to make many, "cheap" offspring r-selected species, also called r-strategist,  are species whose populations are governed by their biotic potential or the maximum rate at which a population can increase. (r=rate)

47 K-strategists Organisms that live in stable environments tend to make few, "expensive" offspring. K-selected species— species whose population sizes fluctuate at or near their carrying capacity (K)

48 Assessment Statement Discuss environmental conditions that favor either r-strategies or K-strategies Use whiteboards to brainstorm: Life span: Size: Reproduction rate: Offspring #s: Parental care: Growth rate: Type of environment they live in: Includes examples of animals

49 r- Strategy K- Strategy Mostly insects Life span short
Many offspring- most are lost “disposable” offspring Early maturity-grow quickly Small body size Usually only reproduce once during lifetime No parental care Unstable environments K- Strategy Almost all mammals Long life span Few offspring “non disposable” offspring Later maturity-grow slowly Larger animals Produce offspring more than once during life span Parental care likely-Nurturing Stable environment

50 Ecological Disruption:
Favors r-Strategists!!!!! If you call something a “pest”, its likely an r-strategist It is adapted to become established quickly before its competitors get a foothold In a balanced ecosystem, the r-strategists have interactions with other species that control their numbers (they get eaten)

51 BIOZONE: None. BIOZONE: None. Essential Question: None.
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 27 Topic: Population Decline Case Study: Why Have all the Sea Lions Gone? Essential Question: None. BIOZONE: None. Population Decline Case Study: Why Have all the Sea Lions Gone? BIOZONE: None.

52 “Mystery in Alaska: Why Have All The Sea Lions Gone?”

53 Background Information: Steller Sea Lions
Please read/highlight the Steller Sea Lion information sheet Note key details on their diet (food habits), population size, and predators/hunting

54 “A Mystery in Alaska”- Clip 3m47s
Please take 5 bullets on the video on pg. 26

55 Discussion on Monday-Finish as HW
P Mystery in Alaska With a Partner please read and answer the questions in the case study Part I---- Cross off #2 Part II----Cross off #4 Part III FOR BOTH FISH: 1. Question is asking to calculate the NUMBER OF CALORIES per 100g of fish Multiply the % of fat-proteins-carbs by the calories per gram of each (Ex: if a certain fish has 2% fat= 2x 9 cal/g= 18 fat calories) Do this for all three. Add all calories together for final answer (18 fat cals+____pro cals+ ____carb cals= Total # of cals) 2. Question is asking to calculate the PERCENT OF CALORIES for each Divide the # of calories fat-protein-carbs by the TOTAL # of calories (answer from #1) (ex: 18 fat cal/ Answer from #1) Do this for all three. Discussion on Monday-Finish as HW


57 Steller Sea Lion Population Decline and Increase

58 The Good News…

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