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Pop Art, Funk, Photo-Realism, Social Themes, and Feminism

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Presentation on theme: "Pop Art, Funk, Photo-Realism, Social Themes, and Feminism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pop Art, Funk, Photo-Realism, Social Themes, and Feminism
TERMS TO KNOW: acrylic silkscreen collective

2 Richard Hamilton Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing?, 1956

3 Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Diptych, 1962

4 Roy Lichtenstein O.K. Hotshot, 1963
Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Diptych, 1962

5 Roy Lichtenstein Girl at Piano, 1963
Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Diptych, 1962

6 Betye Saar The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, 1972

7 Joseph Cornell Soap Bubble Set, 1936
Betye Saar The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, 1972

8 Edward Kienholz The State Hospital, 1966
Interior Exterior Betye Saar The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, 1972

9 Audrey Flack Marilyn, 1977

10 Richard Estes Diner, 1971 Audrey Flack Marilyn, 1977

11 Ana Mendieta Flowers on Body, 1973

12 Las Mujeres Muralists Detail of mural in San Francisco, 1974

13 Las Mujeres Muralists Detail of mural in San Francisco, 1974
José Clemente Orozco Epic of American Civilzation: Hispano-America (panel 16), Las Mujeres Muralists Detail of mural in San Francisco, 1974

14 Miriam Schapiro Anatomy of a Kimono, 1976



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