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Lemony Snicket.

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Presentation on theme: "Lemony Snicket."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lemony Snicket

2 Author Study Presentation
Lemony Snicket Author Study Presentation

3 Author Study Presentation
Lemony Snicket Author Study Presentation

4 Author Study Presentation
Lemony Snicket Author Study Presentation

5 International Society for Technology Standards
ISTE Teacher Standards Supporting this Presentation Click on the Green Box to View the ISTE Teacher Standards 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity C. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking planning and creative processes. 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments A. Design and adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

6 International Society for Technology Standards
ISTE Student Standards Supporting This Presentation Use the Magnifying Glass to reveal the Standards 1. Creativity and Innovation A. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. 4. Critical Thinking. Problem Solving, and Decision Making B. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. D. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. 5. Digital Citizenship B. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity.

7 Lemony Snicket

8 Find 10 Fun Facts About Lemony Snicket
1. Lemony Snickets' real name is Daniel Handler. 2. Daniel Handler's first novel was rejected 37 times by publishers! 3. Daniel Handler, AKA Lemony Snicket, is a professional accordion player. 4. Lemony Snicket attended boarding school. 5. Lemony Snicket has two siblings. 6. Daniel Handler often appears in public as Mr. Snicket's handler or representative. 7. Now Daniel lives in San Francisco, is married, and has a son. 8. Lemonys' face is only shown in the last book and even then his eyes are covered up. 9. Lemony grew up in Snicket Villa which was later used for other purposes such as a factory and a pharmacy. 10. The first book Daniel Handler bought with his own money was Gorey's The Blue Aspic. Click on the Colored Boxes to see the Answer! 

9 Check out Lemony Snicket's website to find out more about him and his books!
SUNNY Tap this Blue Dot...It will take you to Lemony's Website!! Tap this Blue Dot to watch the Official Trailer of the movie that ties together the first 3 Books in the series!! VIOLET KLAUS COUNT OLAF

10 A Series of Unfortunate Events
* The Bad Beginning* Book 1 Grade 6 Curriculum Standards Objective: To read The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket and expand students vocabulary and pronunciation. Common Core ELA Grade 6 Standards Key Ideas and Details: CCSS.ELA-LANGUAGE STANDARDS 6 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use 6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Ontario ELA Grade 6 Standards 3. Writing Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Effectively 3.3 Vocabulary Confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using a variety of resources appropriate for the purpose.

11 A Series of Unfortunate Events : The Bad Beginning : Book 1
By Lemony Snicket Click on the speaker at the bottom of the book cover to hear a story summary

12 Oh, No!- Vocabulary Game! BRISKLY CH. 2 SOLEMNLY CH. 2 Oh, No!

13 Click on the Shaded Cells to Reveal the Hidden Characters!

14 A Series of Unfortunate Events * The Reptile Room* Book 2
Grade 6 Curriculum Standards Objective: After reading The Reptile Room by: Lemony Snicket, students will be able to identify and describe the developmental pattern of frogs. Common Core: Science Intermediate Standard 4 The Living Environment Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development. Performance Indicator 4.3f As an individual organism ages, various body structures and functions change. Ontario Science Grade 6 Standards Understanding Life Systems: Biodiversity 2. Developing Investigation and Communication Skills 2.3 Use scientific inquiry/research skills to compare the characteristics of organisms within the plant or animal kingdoms.

15 Frog Life Cycle Just like Uncle Monty's multiple eyed frog in the
book The Reptile Room, all frogs have the same life cycle!

16 A Series of Unfortunate Events * The Wide Window* Book 3
Grade 6 Curriculum Standards Objective: To read The Wide Window by. Lemony Snicket to develop the skills regarding Resource Management. Common Core: Physical Education: Intermediate Grade 6 Standard 3 Resource Management: Health Education Students will understand the influence of culture, media and technology, and making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health information, products and services. Students will distinguish between valid and invalid health information. Ontario Health & Physical Education Grade 6 Standards C. Healthy Living C2 Making Healthy Choices C2.1 Apply their knowledge of medical, emotional, practical, and societal factors that influence eating habits and food choices.


18 My Reflection - What I have learned during the creation of my SMART Board presentation is that there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating effective and engaging activities for lessons. By using the activity builder, I could create my own game, which is very entertaining for students, and I could fine tune the activity for whatever subject I want to teach. - During this project I learned that you can make mistakes because there is always the trusty undo button to click. This gives you the freedom to experiment and test out your designs and ideas without worrying about making a mistake and not being able to correct it. - What I also learned while designing my pages is that you should always remember to lock your content! As I am new to the SMART software, I did not think about this until I was halfway through, so in the future I will lock as I create, instead of going back after.

19 Summary SMART Tool Page
1. Text Color & Font: All Pages 2. Title Pages: Pages 2-4 3. Image Copy & Paste: from Google Images: Pages 1,4,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,16,18,19,20 4. Web Links: Pages 1,9 5. Hide & Reveal Activities: Pages 4,8,12 (animation fade out), Page 6 (magnifying glass), Page 16 (Screen Shade), Page 13 (screen shade on chart cells) 6. Shape Tool with Paint Bucket Color Properties: Pages 4,6,8,10,13-16 7. Voice Recording: Pages 11 8. Interactive & Multimedia: 7,,9 9. Set Background Fill with Color Properties: Pages: 4,6,7,9,10,12,13,14,16,18 10. My Tools Activity Kit Template: Page 15 11. Gallery Backgrounds & Themes: Page 15 12. Chart: Page 13 13. Cloning Images: Pages 1,18

20 Summary SMART Tool Page Con't
14. Gallery Images: Page 15,20 15. Grouping: Pages 6 16. Locking: All Pages 17. Activity Builder: Page 15 18. SMART Exchange Activity: Page 12 19. Lesson Activity Builder: Page 17 20. Attachments: Page 10,14,16 21. Tab Pullouts: Page 8,12,15 22. Shade Screen: Pages 13,16

21 References Sources Retrieved From

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