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HIST 1311: World Civilizations Nmame: Mohammed Faraj Abuzuwair

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Presentation on theme: "HIST 1311: World Civilizations Nmame: Mohammed Faraj Abuzuwair"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIST 1311: World Civilizations Nmame: Mohammed Faraj Abuzuwair
Prof. A. Nuriddin  Summer 2012 ( French Revolution )  Nmame: Mohammed Faraj Abuzuwair ID#

2 Out line Narrative of The Event Causes and Effects What if
Recommendations/Solutions Reflections

3 Narrative of The Event A brief History.
Some facts about the French Revolution: the beginning of the Revolution the Bastille was stormed The king’s destiny The Reign of Terror The Convention was replaced

4 Causes of the French Revolution:
Financial problems for over a century The debts Tax The food scarcity and famine Fail to reform Transparency

5 Effects of the French Revolution:
A sign of modernism Women were empowered. Monarchy was demolished. Lower classes such as peasant got importance

6 What if ? If there was no discrimination in France based upon gender, race or whatever and the people were equal and free citizens?

7 Recommendations & Solutions
Freedom Equality Fraternity

8 Reflection I argue for that revolution as it demolished monarchy and all people were treated on equal terms.

9 References Blog | French Revolution. (n.d.). French Revolution. Retrieved July 9, 2012, from French Revolution. (n.d.). Union County College Faculty Web Site. Retrieved July 9, 2012, from French Revolution. (n.d.). The Victorian Web: An Overview. Retrieved July 9, 2012, from


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