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Reading Workshop Tuesday 3rd November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Workshop Tuesday 3rd November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Workshop Tuesday 3rd November 2015

2 Helping children read at home
Welcome Synthetic phonics Reading in school Helping children read at home Contributions to Learning Journey – Wow moments Learning Logs

3 Synthetic Phonics Synthetic Phonics - children are taught to ‘synthesise’ (i.e. put together or build up) pronunciations for unfamiliar written words by translating letters into sounds and blending the sounds together (‘blending = ‘synthesising’). c a t – 3 sounds l a p t o p – 6 sounds r o ck i ng ch air – 7 sounds f ar m y ar d – 6 sounds

4 Articulation of phonemes
Short sounds - b, c, d, t, etc. Long sounds - f, m, n, r, s, v, z etc. Whispered sounds – h, p, qu, w, wh etc. Sounds with 2/3 letters ch, sh, th, ai, ee, ie, oa, oo, igh, air etc. Jolly Phonics booklet Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (British English) - YouTube JOLLY SONGS A-Z(from the big book JOLLY SONGS) - YouTube

5 Reading in School Guided reading – reading the same book in pairs
Children hold their own book and point under the text with their finger Discuss front cover, illustrations and content Children take turns to read and listen to each other Activities such as finding a particular word or letter sound Discuss to check understanding

6 Home Reading Books Select one book within a colour level (indicated in the Reading Record) before or after school as necessary. If your child attends club – speak to the staff who will help your child choose a new book Reading Record - write the title of each book, add a comment if appropriate Jolly Phonics booklet – this contains all the letter sounds that will be taught this year Please send the reading wallet into school every Monday with the Reading Record and a new reading book inside – your child’s teacher will write a comment each week

7 Reading at home Choose a time of day that suits you and your child
Find a comfortable place to read Children hold their own book and point under the text with their finger Children will use a variety of strategies - picture clues, context, initial letters, memorising, sight words, phonics etc. Discuss front cover, illustrations and content to reinforce understanding Children will learn words by sight, these will be sent home in a Sight Word Book once your child recognises 20+ letter sounds

8 Developing a love of books
Fiction Non-Fiction Author Illustrator Publisher Text Front cover Back cover Blurb Title Spine Beginning Middle End Characters Setting

9 Enjoying Reading Books Comics Newspapers Magazines Leaflets Catalogues
Recipes Food labels Road signs Shop signs Instructions Shopping list

10 Contributions to your child’s learning journey
Copy of Early Learning Goals Parent/carer Wow Moments contribution sheet Note down briefly what your child says and/or does Give the completed Wow Moment to your child’s teacher Wow Moments will be celebrated and then displayed on the Wow Board

11 Learning logs/Show and tell
Speaking and listening Personalised learning Children are able to do as much or as little as they would like to Home/school liaison and involvement of parents/carers

12 websites Any questions? Please complete the short questionnaire Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (British English) – YouTube JOLLY SONGS A-Z(from the big book JOLLY SONGS) - YouTube Any questions? Please complete the short questionnaire Maths Workshop at 9.00am on Wednesday 25th November 2015

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