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Electrical & Computer Engineering

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1 Electrical & Computer Engineering
A Busy Professor’s Guide to Sanely Flipping Your Classroom -- Course Design -- Dr. Cynthia Furse Electrical & Computer Engineering

2 What do YOU Want to Teach? Bloom’s Taxonomy (Updated)
Higher Level Thinking Skills Which Concepts? To Which Level? From Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information? define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts? classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, paraphrase Applying: can the student use the information in a new way? choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write. Analyzing: can the student distinguish between the different parts? appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test. Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision? appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate Creating: can the student create new product or point of view?

3 What Does This Mean for YOUR Class?
Project Lab / Writing Examples /Homework Ask ? Listen / Read

4 When can YOU be the most help ?
You have 1 HOUR: When can YOU be the most help ? Project Lab / Writing Examples /Homework Ask ? Listen / Read

5 My Goal: Teach my Students …
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Ask ? Practice (Examples & HW) Test Ideas Compare / Relate to Real World Think ! & Build What LEVEL do I want to teach? What can my students do WITHOUT me ? What do I WANT them to do without me? (struggle vs. discover) I have 1 HOUR with my students. Where do I want it to be?

6 My Traditional Class …. Hands On Before Class In Person In person
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Before Class  In Person Ask ? In person Practice (Examples & HW) Multiple texts / reference material Example Self / Peer-to-Peer Pre-Lab Test Ideas Lab Compare / Relate to Real World  Lab Think ! & Build

7 Example Traditional Class ….
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Before Class  In Person Ask ? In person Practice (Examples & HW) Multiple texts / reference material Example Self / Peer-to-Peer Pre-Lab Test Ideas ?? Lab Compare / Relate to Real World  Lab Think ! & Build No TIME to teach Higher Level Skills

8 Example Traditional Class ….
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Before Class  In Person Ask ? In person Practice (Examples & HW) Multiple texts / reference material Example Self / Peer-to-Peer Pre-Lab Test Ideas Lab Compare / Relate to Real World  Lab Think ! & Build Teacher Active Student Passive Student Active Teacher Gone

9 My Flipped Class …. Hands On Before Class Discussion Board/ Comments
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Before Class Ask ? Discussion Board/ Comments In person Peer-Peer Practice (Examples & HW) Before / After Class Multiple texts / reference material Guided Peer-to-Peer Self / Pre-Lab Test Ideas Demos Lab Compare / Relate to Real World Guided Application  Lab Think ! & Build

10 My Flipped Class …. Student Passive Teacher on Video Student Active
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Before Class Ask ? Discussion Board/ Comments In person Peer-Peer Practice (Examples & HW) Before / After Class Multiple texts / reference material Guided Peer-to-Peer Self / Pre-Lab Test Ideas Demos Lab Compare / Relate to Real World Guided Applications  Lab Think ! & Build Student Passive Teacher on Video Student Active Teacher Interactive

11 My Goal: Teach my Students …
Interaction Video Text F2F (Face-to-Face) Homework (Self/Peer) Hands On Listen / Read Take Notes Ask ? Practice (Examples & HW) Test Ideas Compare / Relate to Real World Think ! & Build What LEVEL do I want to teach? What can my students do WITHOUT me ? What do I WANT them to do without me? (struggle vs. discover) I have 1 HOUR with my students. Where do I want it to be?

12 What Next? Design Content Find or Design Videos / Online material
Design Face-to-Face Class Activities Hints: Start Small (examples, supplemental materials) Flip last third of class first Think like a STUDENT (Time, Time, Time, Time, Time!)

13 Flipped Classroom: Resources
Open Invitation to Visit My Class

14 So Where Do We Go From Here?
What is the optimal Role for the Professor? Are We becoming Dispensible, or Indispensible?

15 So Where Do We Go From Here?
Fully Online Versions? Of MOOCs and Money ? Is Knowledge Worth Money, or is it the DEGREE we are paying for? For Profit Education and the cost of a Degree ? Concurrent (High School) Enrollment? MIT Stanford Khan Academy

16 So Where Do We Go From Here?
Opening Education to the World Why Should They Come HERE?

17 So Where Do We Go From Here?
Electrical & Computer Engineering (TWO) Can We (Can I?) Impact the Gender Disparity?

18 So Where Do We Go From Here?
Can My Students Learn More? Can I Teach Them More? Higher Level Thinking ?( How to Assess This???) Retention – Does it mean the same thing ? Learning Faster? Learning Happier? What Can >I< LEARN??? What Do I WANT to Learn??

19 Electrical & Computer Engineering
A Busy Professor’s Guide to Sanely Flipping Your Classroom ‘Any Questions?’ Dr. Cynthia Furse Electrical & Computer Engineering

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