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Higher Education in the 21st Century

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1 Higher Education in the 21st Century
Professor David Faulkner Oxford August 2014

2 The Key Trends Globalization of Higher Education
2. Increase in use of Technology Social media Lectures in decline Growth of interactive processes Elite and Vocational Universities On-line education Content as a commodity

3 1.Globalisation Growth of international collaborations
Some protection policies in developing nations eg India Quality gap in the BRICs eg few in world top 200 Top institutions still in the Western world generally

4 2.Technology Major impact of technology on teaching and learning globally Everyone needs to be IT competent at least to a minimum level Every year brings one new technology tool or more for HE Negative – tremendous growth of plagiarism as its easy to copy from the internet

5 3. Social media Strong growth amongst educators and students
Twitter, Linkedin, Whatsapp, Facebook Used for – recruitment Digital marketing image building for institutions In the classroom





10 4. Lectures in decline Ineffectiveness of lecture alone as a learning tool

11 Lectures in decline Importance of tutorial or small groups
Additions of videos Additions of student interaction

12 5. Interactive processes
Recognition that its doing not listening that leads to growth in ability New techniques, eg Buzz groups Importance of creativity and problem solving BUT don’t forget that Facts are important too

13 6. Elite and Vocational Universities
Growth of GRUs from current world leading universities Importance of mass vocational universities for technological ability, skills and implementation Growing popularity of vocational degrees Online courses span both groups

14 7. Online education Largely because of 1-6 above, this is the growth area for the future Blended learning attractive where Distance learning was not Importance of MOOCS

15 8.Content as a Commodity MOOCs, Slide Share and others have made content readily available free So personal service and care of the student become key to success and reputation Content itself becomes a commodity How you deliver online and give student support becomes the keys to success

16 Conclusion As in most other areas of life the internet is transforming higher education There will always be room for charismatic professors, and face to face student socializing and interaction especially in GRUs But for the masses wanting a good education at an affordable fee, online and blended learning and keeping your job will become the norm

17 Higher Education in the 21st Century
Professor David Faulkner Balliol College, University of Oxford August 2014

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