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Phasing out of CFC refrigerants in India

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1 Phasing out of CFC refrigerants in India
Speaker Mrs. Jyoti S. Jadhav

2 The Real Alarm 1974- Mario Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland
Nobel prize (1995) The Real Alarm

3 Earlier refrigerants Natural ice Salt + Water Ether Ammonia
Sulphur dioxide Methyl chloride Carbon dioxide Air Earlier refrigerants

4 Problems with early refrigerants
Toxicity (Ethers, ammonia) Flammability (Hydrocarbons) Material Compatibility( Ammonia) Chemical stability (SO2) Operating pressures (CO2) Limited temperature range Problems with early refrigerants

5 CFC refrigerants Thomas Midgley of Du Pont, USA Boom in RAC industry
1920 CFC refrigerants

6 Earth’s Atmosphere

7 UV radiations

8 Ozone Depletion What is ozone? Where is the “ozone layer”
Keeps out about 95% of UV rays


10 Consumption of ODS in India
Sl. No. Sector Chemical Used 1. Foam CFC-11, HCFC-141b 2. RAC CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22,HCFC-123 3. Aerosol CFC-11, CFC-12 4. Solvent Methyl Chloroform, CFC-113 5. Fire Halon – 1211 Extinguishers Halon – 1301

11 India and Montreal Protocol
Joined on 17 Sep. 1992 Is an Article 5 country, along with 146 other countries (less than 0.3 kg. per capita ODS consumption) India and Montreal Protocol

12 Phase-out Schedule as per Montreal Protocol
Ozone-depleting substance Developed Countries Developing Total Phase-out by 1st January of the year CFCs 1996 2010 Halons 1994 HBFCs CTC Methyl Chloroform 2015 Methyl Bromide 2005 HCFCs 2030 2040

13 CFC phase out schedule for India

14 India’s Initiatives towards ODS Phase-Out

15 ODS Alternatives Sub-sector Application Alternative Technology
Domestic Refrigeration Household Refrigerators And Freezers HFC-134a,HFC-152a,Blends and mixtures, Hydrocarbons (for refrigerants) and HCFC-22, HCFC b, HCFC-141b, Hydrocarbons for foaming) Commercial Refrigeration Refrigerated Cabinets Water Coolers Ice-candy machines Walk-in coolers HFC-134a,HFC-152a,Blends and mixtures, Hydrocarbons (for refrigerants) and HCFC-22, HCFC b, Hydrocarbons (for foaming) HCFC-22, HFC-134a FCFC-22,HFC-134a (refrigerants) and HCFC-14b (foaming) Industrial Refrigeration Cold Storages Process Chillers HCFC-22,HFC-134a, Ammonia Transport Refrigeration Perishable Transport HCFC-22, HFC-134a, Blends and mixtures Air Conditioning Chillers Automotive air conditioning HCFC-123,HFC-134a,HCFC-22 HFC-134a, Blends and mixtures

16 Thank you…………..

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