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Reaching Out.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching Out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching Out

2 Reading Acts Ancient History Apologetic Historiography
Transforms readers Continuation of biblical history Apologetic Historiography Motivates readers

3 Reading Acts About a people, not a person
God can raise up “sons of Abraham” from these “stones” If not us, then someone else. The Book of Acts does not end; we continue to write. Continuity and discontinuity Pride and awe Formation more than facts

4 Applying Acts The changing American landscape Atheism and antipathy
Kinnaman, You Lost Me, UnChristian Lost identity among our youth Misunderstood identity in the world Telling stories of courageous faith

5 Reaching out Requires the Spirit
Staring up into the sky… (1:10) Restoring Israel’s leadership (1:21-22) Restoring Israel The return of the exiles (Isa 56:1-8) The renewal of Mt. Sinai (Exod 32) The true Messiah (Acts 1:36; 5:31; 7:35-37)

6 Reaching out Requires Regimen
Athletes of Virtue (Acts 2:42-47) The body athletic and the body politic The greatest society made possible through the Spirit Spirit infused God WITH us

7 Reaching out to Rejects
The lame man The connection between physical and spiritual ailment Access to the Temple Isa 35

8 Reaching out to Rejects
The Samaritans History of escalation Elitism Radical solutions

9 Reaching out to Rejects
The Ethiopian eunuch The testimony of Scripture Deut 23 Isa 56 Baptism as priestly washing

10 Reaching out to Rejects
Gentiles Luke 4, 7, and 23 Stereotypes and Self-righteousness The borders of God’s Kingdom are greater Redefined/rediscovered by Peter (Acts 3:22-23) Always a step ahead of the Apostles

11 Barriers to Reaching Out
External pressures? Church grew at a rapid rate Influenced those influenced by the others God pursues the persecutors Answering prayer (Stephen) Answering doubts (Ananias)

12 Barriers to Reaching Out
Internal issues Use of possessions Elitism Buying fame (Achan, Judas, Simon) Failure to read instructions Jesus’s command (Acts 1:8) God’s activity (Acts 10:47 & 11:17)

13 Reaching out with Humor
The angel “strikes” twice When one door opens another is closed God sometimes believes in prayer more than we do


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