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Pitching Workshop I pitch therefore I am.

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Presentation on theme: "Pitching Workshop I pitch therefore I am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pitching Workshop I pitch therefore I am

2 To take note and choose to give you more time
You have one minute For an elevator pitch To motivate listener To take note and choose to give you more time

3 Know the audience Think about who……
Do your research, ask others, check their site, talk to their partners, past collaborators, etc.

4 Investor sales pitch potential partner
Type of pitch Investor sales pitch potential partner

5 Elevator Pitch Investor Meeting The path 1 to 1 (multiple times) 1min
With associate 1hr + with GP’s and associate

6 They’ll ask So what ?? why should I care ?? I’d rather be….(insert fav activity) ?? I’m XX minutes closer to my death…

7 ENGAGED a story that sticks
Keep them ENGAGED a story that sticks

8 Aim for WOW !!! I’d use that!!

9 5-10 Slides (around 5min) Problem (big) Solution (cheap / i.e. doable) Business model (scalable) Market validation (data) Competition (there is) Team Team Team (*)

10 1min goal – level up 3min goal – level up 5min goal – level up
Plan your time…. 1min goal – level up 3min goal – level up 5min goal – level up Practice makes perfect

11 Demo the prototype Let them drive it
5-10 Slides (around 5min) Demo the prototype Let them drive it

12 5-10 Slides What is the problem you are solving? - Who are your users? - Who are your customers? - What is your solution? - How have you validated your idea? - How big is your market?

13 Set the stage anchor statement (hook statement)
You have to Set the stage anchor statement (hook statement)

14 An example Don’t you hate not having access to your important files when you really need them? We’re Dropbox and we seamlessly connect all your devices across the …….

15 You have to Catalyze Fantasy

16 An example Remember that time you needed a file and it was lost, imagine if you could have it backed up to the cloud, forever, for free…accessible, always Imagine how many others have this need. Don’t say 100million people, bla bla, bla… we only need 1%

17 Convert Fantasy to reality
You have to Convert Fantasy to reality

18 Practice dammit Practice

19 What NOT to do

20 Audience/listener says WTF. (do you do
Audience/listener says WTF !?! (do you do?) Never say “If we get only 1% of the market” Don’t begin with an autobiography – they don’t care Don’t try communicate everything Don’t talk too techy (know the audience) Don’t talk about an exit strategy

21 one minute Start with…….. Grow from there…….
Thanks for participating !! Follow me

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