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New York State Education Department CTE Updates

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1 New York State Education Department CTE Updates
ACTEA Conference March 31, 2017

2 Topics Program Approval Process Refinements CTE Pathway Assessments
CTE Teacher Certification Restructuring ESSA and CTE Perkins Funding

3 Program Approval Process
After several years of discussion District Superintendents recommendations were considered that refined the application process Refinements were intended to maintain the original purpose for program approval of providing high quality programs for students Additional documentation being requested pertaining to the Self-Review and External Review as well as ensuring structures are in place to collect critical data pertaining to graduation requirements and Pathways

4 CTE Pathway Assessments
Current list is updated as needed Most recent forms of the assessments with cut scores as applicable Notify CTE office if you are aware of recent changes in the assessments listed Process for submitting additional assessments to be added to approved list now available Two step process

5 CTE Teacher Certification
Field requests to update the current system, need to address new program areas that have no connection to current titles (Commissioner’s suggestion) Committee formed to work out details of a restructured CTE teacher certification process designed around the 16 Career Clusters Meetings held September 27, 2016 March 6, 2017 March 17, 2017 conference call March 24, 2017

6 ESSA and CTE Think Tank/Committee of Practitioners (COP)
Accountability Measures and Methodologies (Survey Question #6) Chronic Absenteeism High School Credit Accumulation High School Success Index Student Access to Highly Qualified Teachers Student Completion of Required Credits By Year Student Successful Completion of Required Courses for Graduation Student Successful Participation in Advanced Coursework (i.e., AP, IB, dual college credit, and CTE courses) Teacher Attendance Teacher Certification/Effectiveness Survey was available through March 21, data being compiled now Recent actions at the federal level may change some state priorities

7 Perkins Funding FY 17 Continuing Resolution (current year CR- expires 4/28) FY 18 Part of Administration’s Budget Proposal Guidance from USDOE indicates using current funding level ($51m) for planning purposes (SED will post an allocation list that may differ from last years allocations due to most recent census data) Reauthorization is a possibility during this Congress but does not guarantee a funding level

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