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Writing a Compare/Contrast Essay

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Compare/Contrast Essay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Compare/Contrast Essay

2 Make a Point! Clarify something unknown or poorly understood.
Lead to a new way of viewing something. The comparison or contrast should make a point or serve a purpose.

3 Bring one or both of the subjects into sharper focus.

4 is better than the other.
Show that one subject is better than the other.

5 Analyze (break apart):
Your THESIS STATEMENT will evolve from your prework. Analyze (break apart): Read your prework and ask: What is important, significant, or interesting in the similarities and differences on my list? Write down your answers

6 Push Together Ideas Synthesize Ask:
What have I discovered about my two topics? Write down your answer

7 Writing the Thesis Statement
Give the names of the subjects Indicate whether they will be compared, contrasted, or both.

8 Don’t merely list similarities and differences
Why is it important to see what is the same and what is different between your topics?

9 Discuss the same points for both subjects;
but it is not necessary to give both subjects the same degree of development.

10 Words to indicate Contrast
Key Words: unlike, different from, despite Coordinators: but, yet Transitional Words: however, nevertheless, In contrast, on the other hand Subordinators: although, even though, while, whereas

11 Words to indicate Comparison
Key Words: like, similar to, just like, be the same as, both neither (negative similarity) Transitional Words: similarly, likewise, in the same way Coordinators: and Subordinators: just as

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