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Fieldwork Clarification

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1 Fieldwork Clarification
University of Redlands School of Education Dr. Chris Hunt

2 Fieldwork is a credentialing requirement of the CCTC (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing) including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults

3 Fieldwork is also a course requirement in your Admin classes
Standard # 1 EDUC 673 Finance Standard #2 EDUC 670 Program Administration Standard #3 EDUC 676 Personnel Standard #4 EDUC 675 Curriculum Standard #5 EDUC 671 Leadership Standard # 6 EDUC 674 Law & Politics

4 Fieldwork is also part of the Portfolio Requirement

5 Finally… Fieldwork gives you valuable experience and a realistic view of what is really happening in our schools

6 The Portfolio will demonstrate mastery of the six Administrative Standards.
CPSELs (California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders)

7 The Portfolio the students will prepare Index
Key Learnings Key Learning Leadership Inventory Growth Plan the students will prepare Index Letters of Recommendation Philosophy Statement Resume Career Map Change Project Administrative Standards 6 Fieldwork Proposals* 6 certificates of completion* 6 Fieldwork Completion forms* Artifacts that demonstrate mastery of each standard* Leadership Inventory Key Learning Standard # 6 Standard # 5 Standard # 4 Standard #3 Standard # 2 Standard # 1 Career Map Philosophy Resume Letters Index The Change Project is presented to the university professor & site supervisor *Should be completed prior to the student’s enrollment in EDUC 678b

8 Fieldwork

9 The Fieldwork will demonstrate mastery of the six Administrative Standards.

10 Fieldwork is imbedded into the Courses
Standard # 1 EDUC 673 Finance Standard #2 EDUC 670 Program Administration Standard #3 EDUC 676 Personnel Standard #4 EDUC 675 Curriculum Standard #5 EDUC 671 Leadership Standard # 6 EDUC 674 Law & Politics

11 The proposal will reflect
Fieldwork Each class will use a standardized form demonstrating mastery of a standard. The proposal will reflect Grade level goals, measurable objectives activities that align to the assigned standard and sub-standards

12 For this class you will complete six “tentative” proposals One for each standard

13 Fieldwork Grade Level Requirement
One fieldwork project must be done at the Elementary level One fieldwork project must be done at a Middle/Intermediate School One fieldwork project must be done at a High School The other fieldwork projects may be done anywhere.

14 Fieldwork Completion & Reflection
Fieldwork Completion will contain -The original proposal (with signatures) -A certificate of completion (with signatures) -A 1-2 page reflection on the Fieldwork Completion Form -At least 2 Artifacts that reflect mastery of the assigned standard

15 Artifact Examples Reports Bulletins Flyers Photos
Student achievement data Schedules Memos Evaluations Brochures SARC Workshop handouts Conference materials Meeting/Committee minutes Instructional maps

16 Warning ! If your fieldwork does not cover the standard & demonstrate mastery with at least 2 artifacts…. You will have to collect additional artifacts in the last class (EDUC 678)

17 What if I am “credential only” and some classes were waived?
You must complete the required fieldworks in EDUC 678b OR *You may submit a proposal with an assignment you did in your other university *You may submit a proposal with a copy of the course catalogue description from your other university that demonstrates a fieldwork requirement. *This must be done before leaving 678a

18 Clarification The fieldwork completion is like shooting at three targets……. With one arrow Credential Class Credits EDUC 678 Credit

19 You get class credit Credits

20 And you get to use it again in EDUC 678b for additional class credit

21 And you get credentialing requirement fulfillment
Class credit EDUC 678b Credential

22 Follow the rubric Use the rubric as your cover sheet Artifact 2.2

23 In your last class (678b) you will demonstrate mastery of the sub-standards
This can be done with Assignments Reading reflection Class activities Artifacts from work

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