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The Mongols and Islam ( )

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1 The Mongols and Islam (1250-1500)
Chapter 12: The Mongols and Islam ( )

2 Mongol Rivalry Il-khan Empire, ruled by Genghis Khan’s grandson, Hülegü, controlled parts of Armenia & all of Mesopotamia, Iran & Azerbaijan (Bulliet) At the same time, Russia was under the domination of the Golden Horde, ruled by Genghis Khan’s other grandson, Batu (Bulliet 303) Relations between the Buddhist/Shamanist Il-khan Mongols and their Muslim subjects were tense (Bulliet 303) During this conflict European leaders attempted to make an alliance with the Il-khans by driving the Muslims out of Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine (Bulliet 303) These plans for were never completed because the new Il-khan ruler Ghazan became a Muslim in 1295 (Bulliet 303)

3 Decline of the Mongols The Il-khan State collected as much tax revenue as possible, through a tax farming system (Bulliet 303) Soon went into economic depression (Lupinskie-Huvane 118) Thus the Il-khan provinces split as Mongol nobles fought each other for limited resources (Bulliet 303) The Il-khan Empire and the Golden Horde declined in the fourteenth century (Lupinskie-Huvane 118)

4 Timur The Mongols invaded India under the rule of the untamed, Timur Lang (Armstrong 155) Then Timur, the last Central Asian conqueror, built the Jagadai Khanate in central and western Eurasia (Bulliet 304) Islam began to grow in India under the control of the Mongols (Armstrong 155)

5 Culture and Science in Islamic Eurasia
The historian Juvaini wrote the first account of the rise of the Mongols under Genghis Khan (Bulliet 305) Juvaini’s work inspired the work of Rashid al-Din, who produced a history of the world that was published in several illustrated editions (Bulliet 305) Rashid al-Din, Ghazan’s priminister, was a Jew that converted to Islam (Bulliet 305)

6 Muslim Advancements Muslims made great strides in astronomy, calendar-making, and the prediction of eclipses (Bulliet 306) In mathematics, Muslim scholars adapted the Indian numerical system (Bulliet 306) Muslim advances in science, astronomy, and mathematics were passed along to Europe and had a significant effect on the development of European science and mathematics (Bulliet 306)

7 Key Terms and People Il-Khan (IL-con): state established by Hülegü in Iran Golden Horde: resided by the Mongols in Sirai on Volga River Hülegü: Genghis Khan’s grandson; established Il-Khan Ghazan (haz-ZAHN): the new Il-Khan ruler; he declared himself a Muslim Timur: the last Central Asian conqueror Jagadai Khanate: built in in central and western Eurasia by Timur

8 Now… get ready for a quiz!!!

9 Quiz ______ was the ruler of the Il-khan empire and ______ was the ruler of the Golden Horde. What innovation adopted by Muslim scholars advance in the development of science and mathematics? Ghegnis Khan, Batu The abacus from China Timur, Ghazan Greek mathematics Hülegü, Timur Papyrus from Egypt Ghazan, Hülegü The Arabic numerals from India Hülegü, Batu The printing press from Western Europe Why did the Mongols break up? Nomads invaded their territory The new leader was too incompetent to rule Economic troubles and led to conflict and decline of empire The Mongols returned to raising livestock and living on its meat Mongols were conquered by neighboring countries

10 Bibliography for Pictures
Mongols-Map. Wikimedia Commons. 17 October mmons/7/7e/Mongols-map.png Aviapress Books. VMA Ghengis Khan Mural 2. Ghengis Khan Exhibit. 17 October isKhanExhibitMural2.jpg Medieval Timurids. Heaven Games. 17 October 2009< y/timurs > Temple of Timur. Flickr.17 October Il-Khanid Quran. Wikimedia Commons. 17 October ommons/en/IlkhanidQuran Armstrong, Monty, David Daniel, Abby Kanarek and Alexandra Freer. Cracking the AP World History Exam Edition. Princeton Review, 2009. Bulliet, Richard. The Earth and Its Peoples. Third Edition. New York City: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005. Lupinskie-Huvane, Lorraine. Barron’s AP World History Flash Cards. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Education Series, Inc., 2006.

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