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Nurturing the Faith of Catholic Families in Military Settings

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1 Nurturing the Faith of Catholic Families in Military Settings
José Amaya Director of Faith Formation Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA Put the slides in presentation mode to access the hyperlinks in the pictures.

2 History The AMS was created as an independent Archdiocese by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1985 as the only Catholic jurisdiction responsible for endorsing and granting faculties for priests to serve as chaplains in the U.S. military and VA Medical Centers.

3 AMS In Perspective Serves 1.8 million Catholics
220 US military installations in 29 countries 153 VA Medical Centers Catholic civilians working for the federal government in 134 countries outside our borders.

4 AMS Edwin Cardinal O’Brien Pastoral Center
Global Archdiocese Meeting spiritual and sacramental needs of military families

5 Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio

6 Pope Francis –48th World Communications Day
…media can help us to feel closer to one another, creating a sense of the unity of the human family…. Good communication helps us to grow closer, to know one another better, and ultimately to grow in unity. …the internet … offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. This is something truly good, a gift from God.

7 New Methods and Tools to Proclaim Jesus Christ

8 Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
AMS USA app Mobile Access to the Digital Media Center Daily and seasonal prayers Jubilee of Mercy reflections from military personnel and daily readings. Live stream portal for Salt and Light TV and live webcasts Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

9 Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
Digital Media Center to support faith groups, enhance faith formation and to encourage deeper relationship with the living Christ. Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

10 ww
Forming Disciples for the New Evangelization: Archdiocesan Religion Curriculum Guide Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA ww

11 AMS Family Faith Assessment
Grades 2-8 Family centered Active Duty Families Federal Employee Families working outside the borders of the USA Homeschooling Families Active Duty attending faith formation at Civilian Parishes

12 Putting faith on the hands of families.
AMS Family Faith Passport PCS Reporting Tool Grades 3-8

13 AMS Family Faith Assessment
Year-Round Process Family Assessment (September-October) –initial faith knowledge status to plan (Catechetical leaders, catechists and parents) Faith Learning (November-April) –family faith growth and accompaniment/support at home to foster households of faith and charity: [prayer and faith sharing at dinner table or car ride, homily reinforcement, etc.] Student Only Assessment (April-May) –formed disciples Parents and students can access the Assessment online from anywhere in the world as long as they have internet connection.

14 Connecting Catechists Worldwide
AMS Catechists Talk

15 Online Catechist Faith Formation

16 Plus… Forming Disciples Blog Online Conferences Online Trainings Workshop Video Recording Advent / Lenten Reflections

17 Putting adults, youth and children in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ….

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