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Assessment Activities

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1 Assessment Activities
SS2CG3 The student will give examples of how the historical figures under study demonstrate the positive citizenship traits of honesty, dependability, liberty, trustworthiness, honor, civility, good sportsmanship, patience, and compassion. Limited or Minimum Progress toward achievement of standard (1) Student is not able to give examples of how any of the historical figures taught during this grading period demonstrated positive citizenship traits. Progressing toward achievement of standard (2) Student is able to give examples of how some of the historical figures taught during this grading period demonstrated positive citizenship traits. Consistently and independently achieves the standard (3) Student consistently and independently gives examples of how all of historical figures taught during this grading period demonstrated positive citizenship traits. Assessment Activities Have students write or tell a story to illustrate how one of the historic figures under study demonstrates one of the character traits and the importance of the trait. Add citizenship traits to the anchor chart for each historic figure. See Assessment Activities SS2H1a. Instructional Notes: Students should know: many people do things that improve life for other people. During the 2nd grading period: how James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and Sequoyah showed good character traits. During the 3rd grading period: how Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King, Jr. showed good character traits. During the 4th grading period: how Jimmy Carter showed good character traits. Instructional Websites: Jackie Robinson powerpoint 1

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