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Read page 71 Unit 3 - Culture.

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1 Read page 71 Unit 3 - Culture

2 The Basis of culture Read Section Preview on page 72

3 Activity Make a list of things that you have that makes you resemble your parents, brothers, or sisters Then make a list of things that culture has influenced you to like or do

4 What is culture? Culture consists of the knowledge, language, values, customs, and physical objects that are passed from generation to generation among members of a group So what are examples of this in the United States? Which of these are material and which are nonmaterial?

5 Culture Helps to Explain Social Behavior!
What people do and don’t do What people like and don’t like What they believe and don’t believe What they value and discount

6 Society Closely tied with culture….
Definition: A group of people who live in a defined territory and participate in a common culture Human behavior is based on culture Human cultural behavior is learned

7 Assignment Worksheet

8 Culture and(vs.) Heredity
Instincts Genetically inherited patterns of behavior Can you survive on instincts? Is culture more important than instinct in surviving as a human being?

9 Culture and(vs.) Heredity Ctn.
In determining who you are does culture or heredity decide who you are more? Reflexes Automatic reaction to physical stimulus Drive Impulse to reduce discomfort

10 Culture and(vs.) Heredity Ctn.
Reflexes, drives, and instincts do not control human social behavior Culture channels these Examples: Bottom of page 73

11 Examples of Culture, Instincts, Drives, and Reflexes
What are the following examples? Blushing Democracy Need for companionship Sense of fairness Eating a meal Yawn

12 Sociobiology Definition:
The study of the biological basis for human behavior Combines Darwin’s Theory of natural selection with modern genetics Behaviors that contribute to the survival of human species: Parental affection and care, friendship, sexual reproduction, and the education of children

13 Sociobiology Ctn. What are possible criticisms of this theory?
The middle ground… It’s a complex combination of genes and culture

14 Work Time on Worksheet

15 Language and Culture Read the Section Preview
What is the function of a stapler? What is the function of this ring? Which one has more meaning?

16 Symbols Things that stand for or represent something else
Objects, sounds, smells, and tastes Can have different meanings to different people

17 How are language and culture related?
Little Quiz – Can you fill out the end of these sentences? The pen is mightier than ____________ Better safe than ___________ It’s always darkest before ___________ Don’t bite the hand that _____________ No news is ________________ If you lie down with dogs, you’ll ____________

18 How are language and culture related? Ctn.
7. A penny saved is a _____________ 8. None are so blind as ______________ 9. Children should be seen and not ___________ 10. Better late than ________________

19 How are language and culture related?
You pass down culture through language

20 Work Time on Worksheet

21 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Or the Hypothesis of linguistic relativity Theory stating that our idea of reality depends largely upon language How do you know something in a culture is important? Example: Page 78 Are you trapped by your language then?

22 Activity – The Importance of Language
First: Silence Second: Come up front and stand in a line Third: WITHOUT speaking put yourselves in order from left to right by your birthdays. January to December. Fourth: We find out if you did it right 

23 Go Over Section 2 Questions

24 Reading Time Read Section 3 – Pages 81 – 91

25 Norms and Values Read Section Preview on page 81

26 Norms Rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior
Are these the same everywhere? Examples on page 82 Are there any other lessons you have learned from going abroad or elsewhere?

27 Folkways, Mores, and Laws
Norms that lack moral significance Examples: Sleeping on the floor rather than in bed Removing you hat in church (if you are male) Talking quietly in quiet places

28 Mores Mores Examples: Most serious mores
Norms that have moral dimensions and that should be followed by members of the society Examples: Able-bodied men should work Most serious mores A taboo – is a norm so strong that its violation demands punishment by the group

29 Laws Laws Read examples on page 86
A norm that is formally defined and enforced by officials Read examples on page 86

30 Enforcing the Rules No Budging!

31 Sanctions Definition: Formal Sanctions Informal Sanctions
Rewards and punishments used to encourage people to follow norms Formal Sanctions Sanctions imposed by persons given special authority Informal Sanctions Sanctions that can be applied by most members of a group See photo on page 88

32 Values – The Basis for Norms
Broad ideas about what is good or desirable shared by people in a society Why are values important? Because they form the basis of norms! Ex: A society that values hard work will have norms against laziness Ex: A society that values democracy will have norms ensuring personal freedom

33 Basic Values in the U.S. Read through on page 90

34 Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, or Unsure
Although we should not be unnecessarily cruel to animals, they were put on earth to serve the needs of human beings

35 Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, or Unsure
The death penalty should be abolished because it is inherently racist in its application

36 Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, or Unsure
Men and women are not politically or intellectually equal because they are biologically different

37 Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, or Unsure
There is too much violence and sex in the media, especially on television

38 Agree, Somewhat Agree, Disagree, or Unsure
There is too much freedom given to young, unmarried boys and girls today

39 Beliefs and Material Culture
Read Section Preview on page 92

40 Question – You may answer with a partner
What are some things that our society used to believe to be true, but are not true today? Why are they no longer believed?

41 Terms to Know for this Section
Nonmaterial culture Involves beliefs, ideas, and knowledge Beliefs Ideas about the nature of reality Material Culture Consists of the concrete, tangible objects of a culture Ex: Read italics on page 93

42 Paired Learning Activity
Select an activity or hobby that you enjoy List the material and nonmaterial aspects of that activity or hobby

43 Ideal vs. Real Culture Ideal Culture Real Culture
Cultural guidelines that group members claim to accept Real Culture Actual behavior patterns of members of a group Ex: Read second paragraph on page 94

44 Worksheet Time

45 Assignment Read Section 5

46 Section 5 Read Section Preview on Page 95

47 Why does culture change?
Discovery – The process of finding something that already exists Invention – The creation of something new Diffusion – The borrowing of aspects of culture from other cultures Write down an example of each in your notes

48 Survey Research Read pages 96-97 Answer questions 1 and 2

49 Cultural Diversity Social Categories Subculture Counterculture
Groups that share a social characteristic such as age, gender, or religion Subculture A group that is part of the dominant culture but that differs from it in some important respects Counterculture A subculture deliberately and consciously opposed to certain central beliefs or attitudes of the dominant culture

50 Read the Tech Trends Answer questions 1 and 2 on page 99

51 What is Ethnocentrism? Judging others in terms of one’s own cultural standards Examples: Read page 100 Does it help or hurt society?

52 Answer Snapshot of America Questions on page 101
Do questions 1-3

53 Cultural Universals Definition: Examples:
Traits that exist in all cultures Examples: Family, government, hospitality, housing, inheritance rules, joking, language, music, etc. etc. etc. These are expressed differently Cultural Particulars – The ways in which a culture expresses universal traits Ex: Page

54 Why do cultural universals exist?
Biological Similarity Ex: Because people die there must be some sort of inheritance rules Physical Environment Ex: Shelter is necessary to protect us from the environment Social Problems Ex: Tasks must be assigned because work must be accomplished

55 Work Time for Worksheet


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