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So what you are trying to say is…

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Presentation on theme: "So what you are trying to say is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 So what you are trying to say is…
Theme So what you are trying to say is…

2 What is Theme? Theme is the central idea, purpose, or lesson that a story is trying to teach. If you think of an onion and it’s layers, you can see where theme comes into play in a story. It's at the very heart of the literature, but like the center of an onion, you have to peel away layers to get to the central idea.

3 Layers of Meaning Actual Meaning: The literal words used by the author in the story or poem.

4 Actual Meaning: The actual events in the story or words in a poem.
Author’s Message: the ideas the writer wants to convey

5 Universal Truth: The Theme
Author’s Message: The ideas the writer wants to convey. Actual Meaning: The actual events in the story or words in a poem.

6 Of Special Note In most cases, you will not find the theme directly in a story or poem. Instead, a reader must infer, or make an educated guess, after reading a piece.

7 Clues to Be Found Places to find clues to the theme: The Title The First Paragraph/Stanza The Last Paragraph/Stanza Repeated words or phrases

8 REMEMBER Theme is not the topic of the work, but a statement made about the topic.

9 Examples of Common Themes
Bravery Sorrow Love conquers all Always expect the worst to happen

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