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Ice thickness and ASAR imageries in the Chukchi Sea

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1 Ice thickness and ASAR imageries in the Chukchi Sea
Slide 1 Ice thickness and ASAR imageries in the Chukchi Sea (a) 20 Feb 2010 : Mooring location (b) 20 Feb 2010 polynya case 7 Nov 2011 (d) 7 Nov 2011 MIZ case ice edge

2 Water vapor effect on 89GHz and its correction
Slide 2 Water vapor effect on 89GHz and its correction Polynya event on 6 May 2004 Polynya is not represented Polynya is represented Polynya is actually present Polynya is indicated by water vapor correction

3 (a) (b) Off Cape Darnley, East Antarctica, 11 August 2008
Slide 3 Off Cape Darnley, East Antarctica, 11 August 2008 ENVISAT ASAR wide swath (WSM) image Fast ice (iceberg tongue) Thin ice (polynya) region (a) Fast ice (blue) and coastal polynya (light blue) from AMSR-E Thin ice (polynya) region Fast ice (iceberg tongue) (b) The shape and location of fast ice and thin ice (polynya) regions from AMSR-E generally coincide with those from ASAR

4 ASAR imageries in the Cape Darnley polynya
Slide 4 ASAR imageries in the Cape Darnley polynya (a) (b) 03 May 2010 03 Feb 2010 (d) (c) 02 Nov 2010 16 Aug 2010 Red: Polynya area Blue: Iceberg tongue

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