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Seasonal variability of the tropical tropopause dehydration

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1 Seasonal variability of the tropical tropopause dehydration
Holger Vömel Strateole-2 Workshop 18 March 2015

2 Relative humidity at the tropopause Mid latitude Tropics
Outline Motivation How and Where Trends Uncertainties Relative humidity at the tropopause Mid latitude Tropics Tibetan Plateau NCAR EOL

3 Stratospheric Fountain
From Newell and Gould-Stewart, J. Atmos. Sci. 1981 NCAR EOL

4 Brewer Dobson Circulation
From Holton et al., Rev. Geophys. 1995 NCAR EOL

5 Walker circulation

6 Different regions in the tropics
Challenge: Identify and quantify regions, that contribute to dehydration Quantify the importance of the different dehydration processes: Convective dehydration Slow scale dehydration Wave driven dehydration Superstaturation in clouds Increase the reliability in water vapor observations Increase the number of observations Validate global scale systems Provide continuity to these observations From Vömel et al., 2002 NCAR EOL

7 Tropics (Costa Rica) NCAR EOL

8 Water Vapor Climatology: Costa Rica

9 Water Vapor Climatology: Costa Rica

10 RH (ice) Climatology: Costa Rica

11 RH (ice) Climatology: Costa Rica
Altitude relative to mean tropopause [km] NCAR EOL

12 Tropopause statistics

13 Seasonal Cycle: Temperature

14 Seasonal Cycle: Water Vapor

15 Seasonal Cycle: RH Ice NCAR EOL

16 RH (ice) Frequency at the Tropopause

17 COBALD sounding NCAR EOL

18 COBALD sounding NCAR EOL

19 RH (ice) Frequency at the Tropopause

20 Summary Tropics: Tropopause temperature  Monthly mean shows strong seasonal cycle Tropopause water vapor mixing ratio  Monthly mean shows strong seasonal cycle (tape recorder) Tropopause relative humidity over ice  Monthly mean nearly constant at 100% Tibetan Plateau (July / Aug): Tropopause relative humidity over ice  Monthly mean slightly below 100% Tropopause relative humidity over ice in clouds  Monthly mean peaks at 100% NCAR EOL


22 Increase reliability of water vapor observations
Challenge Increase reliability of water vapor observations Increase number of observations Validate satellite observations Provide continuity of observations after the end of the satellite record Problem: The processes immediately around the cold point matter and are hard to profile. In particular they are a very difficult challenge for satellite observations, which mostly don’t have the vertical resolution in that region. And water vapor and ozone vary strongly in the troposphere and stratosphere. NCAR EOL

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