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ESFA Briefing Update – Condition Data Collection

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1 ESFA Briefing Update – Condition Data Collection
Bruce Crowther 12th April 2017

2 What is the CDC? It’s the follow-on of the Property Data Survey Programme (PDSP) (2012 – 2014)

3 What is the CDC? … but new and improved!
Started February 2017 (pilots) Due to complete September 2019 Including all government funded schools

4 What are the big improvements?
We’re listening to schools first. We’re using a common IT platform (Kykloud) We’re sharing information shortly after the survey. We’ve worked to improve stakeholder engagement We have vastly improved surveyor training, guidance and data validation (surveyors require a CDC passport) Photo’s of roof and category C/D elements We’re looking for continual feedback

5 What do we primarily want it for?
To enable a fair allocation of capital maintenance funding informed by school condition Identifying blocks most in need of replacement To develop capital allocations policy To provide an evidence base for capital bids

6 What the benefits are to you?
Build understanding of condition need at your school Highlight a ‘tell-tale’ of a greater condition issue Provide a view of roof condition Photographic evidence of condition issues (procurement support) Bring compliance requirements to your attention Highlight condition issues which need attention

7 What CDC is not It is Not a comprehensive asset management survey because: It is not invasive It is not structural It does not report on hazardous materials It does not address critical H&S requirements No account of operational criticality/capacity It does not provide estimated defect remedy cost information for schools or responsible bodies.

8 Who are we working with? ESFA Arcadis - TSM Kykloud Database Capita
AECOM Faithful+ Gould Rider, Levett, Bucknall

9 When will my school be surveyed?

10 School support needed Review information on
A premises representative for: Schools questionnaire (Portal login) Meeting with surveyor Post survey feedback Pre visit preparation: Collect premises documentation Ensure access is available to all areas Consider site safety messages Review survey and provide feedback

11 Responsible Bodies support needed
For this purpose we are not considering SAT’s Review information available on Ensure schools are aware of available support Proactively provide schools with generic information which may prove useful, or guidance on how the RB would like to see questions answered Feedback across your portfolio once a significant number of sites have been surveyed

12 Feedback is very welcome

13 For more information Please contact the relevant Surveying Organisation Or if the issue is not relevant to them, please enquire via the EFA enquiries form on Visit the website And search for ‘CDC’

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