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Chapter 13 Structure Determination by Spectroscopy (I): IR

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1 Chapter 13 Structure Determination by Spectroscopy (I): IR
Organic Chemistry II Chapter 13 Structure Determination by Spectroscopy (I): IR “study of interaction of light with molecules” electromagnetic radiation  light E = hn = hc/l;n =frequency, l=wavelength excitation in quantized orbitals,  502 Figure 13.1 spectrum: amount vs n of light,  504 Figure 13.2 spectrometer: a scheme,  503 middle electromagnetic spectrum:  505 Figure 13.3 OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

2 IR Spectroscopy: Functional Group
Organic Chemistry II IR Spectroscopy: Functional Group E of vibrational levels  E of IR radiation vibrational modes: stretch & bend  506 top functional group identification:  507 Figure 13.4 n  k / M; k=force constant, M=reduced mass the stronger the bonding, the higher the wavenumber higher stretching wavenumber than the bending higher wavenumber for a light hydrogen atom:  508 top the more polar the bonds, the stronger the absorption: %T OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

3 Hydrogen Region: 3600~2700 cm-1 bond strength: C-H < N-H < O-H
Organic Chemistry II Hydrogen Region: 3600~2700 cm-1 bond strength: C-H < N-H < O-H C-H: H-Csp3 (3000~2850 cm-1) < H-Csp2 (3100~ 3000) [H-C(O): 2830~2700] < H-Csp (ca. 3300);  509~511, Figure O-H: hydrogen bonding; 3550 ~ 3200 cm-1 (br & s)  512, Figure 13.9 CO2H: very br & s (3000 cm-1);  513, Fig N-H: w; 3400~3250,  513~4, Figure 13.11~12 practice:  514, Problem 13.5 OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

4 Triple-Bond Region: 2300~2100 cm-1
Organic Chemistry II Triple-Bond Region: 2300~2100 cm-1 CC: w, 2150~2100 cm-1,  510, Figure 13.7 CN: m, 2260~2220 cm-1,  515, Figure 13.13 CO: s, 2170 cm-1, CO2: s, 2400~2300 cm-1,  516~7, Focus On practice:  515, Problem 13.6 OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

5 Double-Bond Region: 1900~1500 cm-1
Organic Chemistry II Double-Bond Region: 1900~1500 cm-1 C=O: typical; s, 1715 cm-1,  518 Table 13.1 conjugation effect: ↓ (20~40 cm-1),  518 top ring-size effect: 1715 (6-ring) < 1751 (5) < 1775 (4) C=N: m, 1689~1471 cm-1 C=C: w, aliphatic 1660~1640 cm-1 aromatic: 1600, 1580, 1500 & 1450 cm-1 NO2: s, 1550 & 1380 cm-1,  521 Fig OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

6 Fingerprint Region: < 1500 cm-1
Organic Chemistry II Fingerprint Region: < 1500 cm-1 complex but identification of unknowns single bond stretching & bending overlapped C-O: s, 1300~1000 cm-1; ester & ether C-N: m, 1250~1000 (Ar-N: s, 1340~1260) Ar-H: s, 900~675 cm-1 (bending) arenes: 1600~1450 & 3100~3000 cm-1 OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

7 Interpretation of IR spectra
Organic Chemistry II Interpretation of IR spectra characteristic n:  522~3 Table 13.2~3 R-H: 3600~2700 cm-1  RR: 2300~2100 cm-1 R=R: 1800~1500 cm-1  C-O, C-N, Ar-H, etc. practice:  523~9, Figure 13.15~13.22 Always double-check your assignment !!! practice:  519, 530 Prob , Prob &  532 Problem 13.12 OrgChem-Chap13 Chapter 13

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