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Fotis Kourmousis Environmental Scientist, PhD candidate

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1 Fotis Kourmousis Environmental Scientist, PhD candidate
National Technical University of Athens Unit of Environmental Science and Technology LIFE 3rd countries: Development of best management systems for C&D in Cyprus Fotis Kourmousis Environmental Scientist, PhD candidate

2 Steering committee : C&D
Representatives from: Environment Service – Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment (beneficiary) National Technical University of Athens (partner) Ministry of Interior of Cyprus Association of companies deals with construction works Association of contractors/builders Cypriot Technical Chamber Statistic Service of Cyprus Ministry of transport and public works

3 Description of the characteristics of the waste stream – Determination of the potential environmental impacts The characteristics and the composition of C&D waste stream as well as of their dangerous substances were described in detail. Also, the potential environmental impacts which are related to the generation of this waste stream are determined and assessed

4 Recording of the current situation related to the management of the C&D waste stream
The European and Cypriot environmental policy and legislation concerning the C&D waste stream under examination were recorded and analyzed The procedures and practices applied in Cyprus for the management of C&D waste stream were illustrated The effectiveness and the sustainability of the existing management schemes and systems were assessed

5 Determination of all the competent authorities that are responsible for the control and monitoring of the management systems All the competent authorities involved in the permitting, control and monitoring of the management systems and plants that will be constructed in Cyprus were recorded. Also, the effectiveness of the existing procedures that are followed by the competent authorities were evaluated. The existing situation in Cyprus concerning the generation and the procedures applied for the management of the waste stream was assessed overall - The weak points were determined and suggestions for improving were developed.

6 Implementation of the inventory
A. Collection and recording of primary data and information necessary for the estimation of the quantities of the waste stream An extensive inventory programme took place in order to collect all the information related to the generation of the C&D waste stream under examination.

7 Implementation of the inventory
Number of licenses for the construction of new buildings number of licenses of new constructed buildings number of buildings that were demolished total volume of new constructed buildings total surface of new constructed buildings data concerning the companies involved in construction and demolition works.

8 Implementation of the inventory
B. Assessment and evaluation of the primary collected data – Estimation of the quantities of C&D waste generated in Cyprus – Future projections All the primary collected data was used for the determination of the quantities of the waste stream under examination that were generated in Cyprus as well as for the estimation of the future quantities that will be generated. The calculation of the quantities generated was carried out using appropriate mathematical equations and models.

9 Implementation of the inventory
For the calculation of the quantities of C&D waste, a mathematical model that was developed by the NTUA in the framework of its collaboration with Eurostat was used. The model calculates the quantities of construction waste and demolition waste, individually Calculation of construction waste: The key data that was used as input into the model are: i. number of new buildings per year ii. total surface of new buildings iii. volume of waste generated per m2 of building’s surface and iv. density of waste generated Calculation of demolition waste The key data that was used as input into the model are: i. number of buildings that are demolished per year ii. average number of floors per demolished building iii. Average total surface of each building iv. volume of waste generated per m2 of building’s surface and v. density of waste generated.

10 Number of new buildings per year

11 Total surface of new buildings

12 Number of buildings that are demolished per year

13 Quantities of waste generated from the construction of new buildings per year

14 Quantities of waste generated from the demolition of buildings per year

15 Total quantities of construction and demolition waste per year

16 Implementation of the inventory
The results obtained by the development of the model include the quantities of construction and demolition waste generated in Cyprus till 2003 (based on the primary data that was available for the purposes of the programme). From the results obtained it is shown that the quantities of the C&D waste were decreased till 1992 while these quantities remained almost constant for the time period between 1992 – 2003 (ranging from 20 to 30 thousands tons per year). The decreasing rate of the quantities of C&D waste reflects the low constructive activity that have taken place in Cyprus in the past years (construction of new buildings, repairing of existing buildings, construction of new hotels and touristic complexes, etc.)

17 Development of an appropriate database
An appropriate database was designed and developed for the C&D waste stream

18 Input of information into the database
All the data collected during was inserted into the database developed. Using appropriate software tools, this collected material was assessed (the assessment includes forecast for future generation of the waste stream under examination). Also, this database provides the user with the capability to demonstrate the results in graphics.

19 Determination of the multi-criteria decision methodology
Alternative multi – criteria decision methods were recorded and examined: I. Decision supporting tool based on the use of an aggregation function of groups of criteria Step 1: Determination and selection of all the individual criteria - Classification of criteria in categories of criteria (groups of criteria) Step 2: Each group of criteria are numerically weighed (factors of gravity), according to their importance (degree of importance) - The sum of the factors of gravity is 1 (100%) Step 3: Each individual criterion is numerically weighed (factor of gravity), according to its importance in each group of criteria - The sum of the factors of gravity is 1 (100%)

20 Determination of the multi-criteria decision methodology
Step 4: Development of the multi-criteria model, based on the aggregation function: F (O)= Σ Ai *Οi where: Οi : each group of criteria Αi : factor of gravity of each group of criteria Σ Ai =1 (100%), Step 5: Analysis of the characteristics of each individual criterion and quantification of their performance in a scale of 1 – 10. Step 6: Recording of the actual characteristics of each individual criterion for each alternative scenario – Rating of their actual performance according to the scale set in Step 5. Step 7: Input of the data obtained in step 6 into the multicriteria model (aggregation function) for each alternative scenario - Grading of the results for each scenario Step 8: According to the results obtained from step 7, all the alternative scenarios are ranked (the scenario with the highest score is ranked first)

21 Determination of the multi-criteria decision methodology
II. Decision supporting tools based on the determination of individual criteria and comparison of alternative scenarios per couple for each criterion Step 1: Determination and selection of all the individual criteria Step 2: Each individual criterion is numerically weighed (factor of gravity), according to its importance - The sum of the factors of gravity is 1 (100%) Step 3: Development of the multi-criteria model: Models: ELECTRE – PROMETHEE (I, II) Step 4: Analysis of the characteristics of each individual criterion and quantification of their performance in a scale of 1 – 10. Step 5: Recording of the actual characteristics of each individual criterion for each alternative scenario – Rating of their actual performance according to the scale set in Step 4. Step 6: Input of the data obtained in step 5 into the multi-criteria model for each alternative scenario – Ranking of alternative scenarios according to their suitability after comparison per couple According to their effectiveness, the most suitable multi-criteria model was selected: PROMETHEE II

22 Setting, description and calibration of the assessment criteria used for the evaluation
All the assessment criteria were set, described and calibrated (17 criteria in four groups of criteria).

23 Table 1: Individual criteria and groups of criteria
Social - Institutional Environmental Economical Technical Harmonization with the legislative framework Level of potential effects to the environment – Demands on anti-pollution systems Cost of construction Performance Adopting of legislative priorities Air emissions Operational and maintenance costs Existing experience - reliability Social acceptance Generation of wastewater Space demands Versatility to local conditions Possibility of creation of new jobs Generation of solid waste – residues Flexibility Noise pollution Visual annoyance

24 Description of the alternative scenarios - management systems
All the scenarios- management systems that are possible for implementation were recorded and examined

25 Description of the alternative scenarios - management systems
Demolition Waste: Demolition → Landfilling Demolition → Use of materials for banking up and other landscaping works Conventional demolition → Transfer of mixed recyclable materials to Recycling Centre → Transfer of non recyclable material to landfill Conventional demolition → Recovery of mixed recyclable materials on site and recycling of inorganic materials in a mobile recycling unit → Transfer of recyclable non inorganic materials to Recycling Centre and non recyclable material to landfill Partial selective demolition → Transfer of mixed recyclable materials to Recycling Centre → Transfer of non recyclable material to landfill Partial selective demolition → Recovery of mixed recyclable materials on site and recycling of inorganic materials in a mobile recycling unit → Transfer of recyclable non inorganic materials to Recycling Centre and non recyclable material to landfill Complete selective demolition → Transfer of mixed recyclable materials to Recycling Centre → Transfer of non recyclable material to landfill Complete selective demolition → Recovery of mixed recyclable materials on site and recycling of inorganic materials in a mobile recycling unit → Transfer of recyclable non inorganic materials to Recycling Centre and non recyclable material to landfill Complete selective demolition → Recovery of individual recyclable materials, separately, on site and recycling of inorganic materials in a mobile recycling unit → Transfer of recyclable non inorganic materials to Recycling Centre and non recyclable material to landfill

26 Description of the alternative scenarios - management systems
Construction Waste Landfilling Use of materials for banking up and other landscaping works Transfer of mixed recyclable materials to Recycling Centre → Transfer of non recyclable material to landfill Recovery of mixed recyclable materials on site and recycling of inorganic materials in a mobile recycling unit → Transfer of recyclable non inorganic materials to Recycling Centre and non recyclable material to landfill Recovery of individual recyclable materials, separately, on site and recycling of inorganic materials in a mobile recycling unit → Transfer of recyclable non inorganic materials to Recycling Centre and non recyclable material to landfill The alternative management schemes vary according to the following parameters: Type of demolition procedure Location of waste management (on and/or off-site) Demolition procedures: Conventional Partial selective demolition Complete selective demolition

27 Sequence of procedures applied during selective demolition

28 Description of the alternative scenarios - management systems
Selection of site for C&DW management The selection of the site where the management of the waste (breaking and separation) could take lace (on– site or off-site) is based on the following parameters: Availability of machines Required quality of recyclable materials in order to be used in the worksite On-site space availability Distance between the worksite and the nearest Recycling Centre or sanitary landfill

29 Management technique according to the content of waste

30 Flow diagram for the management of C&DW in a Central Recycling Centre

31 Mobile unit for the management of C&DW

32 Quantification of the criteria – Input of the data in the multi-criteria software tool – Screening of each management system according to its applicability All the criteria used for the evaluation of alternative scenarios for C&D waste stream were quantified in accordance to their performance All the data that were collected and assessed, were used by the multi-criteria software tool in order to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative management system for C&D waste stream.

33 Optimum management systems
According to the results of the multi criteria analysis, the optimum management system for C&D is based on partial disassembly practices with the following hierarchy: Selective demolition, transfer to central recycling/management unit and landfilling of non recyclable residue or transfer to waste incineration unit Selective demolition, on site recovery and recycling of recyclable inorganic fraction to special recycling units and landfilling of non recyclable residue or transfer to waste incineration unit Selective demolition, on site recovery and recycling of recyclable inorganic fraction to mobile recycling unit, transfer of recyclable inorganic fraction to special recycling units and landfilling of non recyclable residue or transfer to waste incineration unit Techno-economic study for the implementation of the optimum management system of C&D (finalization phase)

34 More information…

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