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Published byBeverly Kelly Modified over 6 years ago
JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis
JINR Topic /2013 I.A.Golutvin, S.V.Shmatov, A.V.Zarubin JINR PAC, June 10, 2009 I.Golutvin and A.Zarubin “Report on JINR Topic /2005 and new Topic /13” JINR PAC, January 29, 2009 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “Preparation of the CMS Experiment for Data Taking and Analysis Report on JINR PAC, June 10, 2009 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Compact Muon Solenoid- CMS
Silicon Tracker Detector subsystems are designed to measure: the energy and momentum of photons, electrons, muons, jets, missing ET up to a few TeV Forward Calorimeter, HF Muon Chambers Tracker Electromagnetic calorimeter, ECAL Hadron calorimeter HCAL PbWO4 ECAL sampling brass HCAL weight t diameter - 14,60 m, length - 21,60 m, B-field - 4 Т MUON Chambers Superconducting Coil diameter 6 m, length 13 m Return Yoke I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
In RDMS Collaboration are about 300 scientists
Ukraine 10 Bulgaria 21 Belarus 22 Uzbekistan 11 Georgia Armenia 5 LPI 9 PNPI 36 MSU 27 ITEP 19 INR IHEP 45 JINR 68 Russian Federation - 155 Dubna Member States - 80 JINR, Dubna - 68 CMS members: countries institutions scientists students Associated members: institutions Russia Russian Federation Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS, Moscow Moscow State University, Institute for Nuclear Physics, Moscow Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, RAS, St.Petersburg P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow High Temperature Technology Center of Research & Development Institute of Power Engineering, Moscow Myasishchev Design Bureau, Zhukovsky Electron, National Research Institute, St. Petersburg High Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi Institute of Physics, Academy of Science ,Tbilisi Institute of Single Crystals of National Academy of Science, Kharkov National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov Kharkov State University, Kharkov Institute for Nuclear Physics, UAS, Tashkent Dubna Member States Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan Byelorussian State University, Minsk Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Minsk National Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk Research Institute for Applied Physical Problems, Minsk Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Sofia University of Sofia, Sofia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR Participation in CMS Construction
JINR participates in the CMS in a framework of the RDMS CMS Collaboration RDMS bears Full Responsibility JINR Participates SE HE ME1/1 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009 4
Plus End : EE, HE, ME1/1+ ME1/1 HE EE
I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Minus End: EE, HE, ME1/1 EE HE ME1/1
I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
The new CRAFT 2009 will start in July
Final Closure HF FS The new CRAFT 2009 will start in July I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Strategy to prepare CMS for Data Taking and Physics Analysis
Detector Performance and Quality Strict quality controls during detector construction in order to meet performance requirements Commissioning of completed detectors in the underground caverns using cosmic rays and “LHC beams” Commissioning and calibration with physics Understanding SM backgrounds to Expected New Physics Development and validation of simulation, reco and analysis software 15 years long test beam campaign in order to understand (and calibrate large parts of the detectors) and validate/tune software tools detailed simulation of realistic detector including misalignments, material non-uniformities, etc. in order to test and validate calibration/alignment strategies Development of Computing for data processing and analysis Discovery of New Physics … I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Detector Performance and Quality
I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
CMS Cosmic Run CRAFT: Cosmic Run at Four Tesla
Oct-Nov’08: Run CMS for 6 weeks continuously to gain operational experience Collected 300M cosmic events with tracking detectors and field (≈ 70% live-time). About 400 TB of data distributed widely 87% have a standalone muon track reconstructed 3% have a global muon track with strip tracker hits (~7M) 3-4×10-4 have a track with pixel hits (~70k) The new CRAFT 2009 will start in July I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
CMS Performance with Cosmic Run
Alignment in Inner Tracker Energy deposited by muons HCAL ECAL radiative ionisation Points- data total Si Tracker TOB rms=24um rms=47um Barrel Pixels I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
CRAFT: Cosmic Ray Event
Two examples for ME1/1 and HE under full JINR responsibility Muon DT ECAL EE EB HCAL HE, HB I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
CRAFT: CSC Spatial Resolution
ME1/1 Example, other stations have also been studied ME1/1 Spatial Resolution after additional cross-talk corrections ME1/1 (ME1/1) = 112 mm per Layer i.e.: s = 1.87 % of strip width (ME1/1) ~ mm per Station Resolution versus Radius I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
HE Calibration for the First LHC day
HCAL Test Beam 07 HE Sourcing CERN Dubna HE calibration constants Calibration CERN Data Base RAW Data HE Resolution Scintillator brightening in magnetic filed CRAFT08 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR Participation in CMS
Initial CMS Detector: Start-up on 10 September 2008 Inner Endcaps including endcap hadron calorimeter HE and Forward Muon Station ME1/1 of full JINR responsibility demonstrated an efficient operation with beam dumped on collimator (оn top) First Beam-Induced events in hadron calorimeters seen at CMS and beam halo (оn bottom) in endcap muon system The main effort of JINR in the CMS Project is concentrated on the design and construction of the end-cap detectors, where JINR bears full responsibility in the frame of the Russia and Dubna Member States (RDMS) CMS Collaboration. The main obligation of our Institute on construction and assembly of endcap hadron calorimeters has been fulfilled. The main interest of JINR and RDMS physicists is focusing on physics beyond the Standard Model with dimuon masses in TeV-range. Detectors of full JINR responsibility (ME1/1 and HE ) are ready for data-taking I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR participation in CMS Physics Program
I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Physics Motivations (I)
Main goals of LHC Physics Program are Search for Higgs bosons at the mass region Search for physics beyond SM (SUSY, Extended Gauge Models, TeV-scale gravity etc) I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Physics Motivations (II)
It is expected that many physics processes not observed so far can be studied in the channels with muons in the final states search for Higgs boson in “gold” decay mode H ZZ 4l (Z-bosons have to be detected in di-muon decays) various models beyond the SM predict new physics processes with SM particles (quarks, gluons, electrons, photons and muons) in the final states (m ~ ТэВ) Cross-sections of hadron signatures are higher, but muonic decays provide clear signatures with lower and controllable backgrounds! Why dimuons? Because it is Compact MUON solenoid where Dubna group plays important role since conceptual design through PhTDR up to physics analysis! strong B-field and long lever arm (from IP and tracker to Muon system) for precise momentum estimation redundant muon trigger high precision muon detectors priority in JINR physics program – search for new physics in di-muon channels at the invariant mass region uncovered so far by other accelerators Processes with jets have larger cross-sections (by order more than lepton ones), but worse background conditions QCD studies, PDF’s, small-x physics or “tagging” I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
RDMS CMS Physics Tasks Forward Physics Study of 2 jet production in hard single diffraction IHEP, SINP MSU, Erevan Study of 2 jet production in central diffraction IHEP, ITEP, SINP, Erevan Higgs Search for Higgs bosons in decays into 2 photons, 4 leptons, 2 leptons JINR, ITEP, MSU, Kharkov and 2 jets, 2 leptons and 2 neutrinos QCD Measurement of the gamma+jet cross-sections JINR, ITEP, SINP Measurements of jet inclusive cross-section JINR Search for BFKL effects at jet production PNPI, ITEP Study of jet shapes JINR, ITEP, SINP Study of jet fragmentation SINP MSU EWK Measurement of DY muon pair production JINR, Minsk, Gomel Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry in muon pair production JINR Measurement of triple boson couplings Minsk Bose-Einstein correlations of gauge bosons (WW, ZZ) JINR Top physics Observing the t-channel single top process IHEP, SINP SUSY Search for sleptons and lepton flavor number violation INR Exotics Search for heavy neutrino and WR INR Search for new resonances (extra dimensions and Z’) in DY JINR Search for non-resonant di-muon signals from ADD and compositeness JINR Heavy Ion QGP hard probes (heavy quarkonia and jets) and soft probes (eliptic flow) SINP MSU I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009 19
JINR in CMS Physics Program
Physicists of JINR and member-states are involved in 5 groups of physics analysis (Higgs, Exotics, EWK, QCD, Forward Physics), 2 groups of physics object studies (Muon, Jet/MET) and 2 groups of detector system studies (Muon, HCAL) JINR Physics Tasks search for Higgs bosons (Higgs PAG/Muon and Jet/MET POG) (JINR + Kharkov) H ZZ 4l H ZZ 2l2 studies of muon pair production in Drell-Yan processes (EWK PAG and Muon POG) (JINR + Minsk + Gomel) search for physics beyond the SM (extra dimensions, extended gauge models, compositeness etc) in the channel with muon pairs (Exotica PAG and Muon POG) (JINR) inclusive jet production and γ/Z + jet processes (QCD PAG and Jet/MET POG) (JINR) Bose-Einstein correlations of gauge bosons (WW, ZZ) (EWK PAG) (JINR) single and double diffractive (Forward Physics PAG) (Erevan) anomalous coupling constants (WWW, ZZZ, …) (EWK PAG) (Minsk) I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Search for Higgs bosons
The number of Higgs bosons is not fixed: SM – 1, MSSM - 5, EGM – 2 ... Experimental mass constrains: ≥ 114 GeV (LEP), ~ 170 GeV (3 fb-1, FERMILAB) The favorable decays H H ZZ 4l : “gold” decay (JINR) H ZZ 2l + 2jet H WW 2l +2: ~6 times greater BR compared to “gold-plated” (Kharkov) Mass range to measure: up to ~ 1000 GeV Expected luminosities to discover (CMS Higgs Discovery Perfomance) JINR participation: development of muon and jet reconstruction algorithms, studies of systematic effects, calibration of detector systems, physics analysis ~ 1.8 fb-1 CMS PTDR 2006 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Di-Muon Physics Measurements of di-muon cross-sections up to a few TeV invariant masses to test SM at the new energy region: cross-section (discovery) helicity structure of processes (spin discrimination) forward-backward asymmetry of muons (gV/gA ratio: model discrimination) Search for deviations from Standard Model background shape - distinctive experimental signature depends on the type of new physics. resonance states: spin-1 states: new heavy (m~ TeV) gauge bosons Z’ from extended gauge models and KK excitations of gauge bosons in TeV-1 models spin-2 states: TeV-scale gravity models – heavy (m~TeV) RS1 Randall-Sundrum graviton non-resonant state: TeV-scale gravity model – light ADD (Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali) graviton compositeness models JINR Participation: Full-scale program from theoretical studies up to final physics analysis high efficiency of registration, triggering and reconstruction for muons validations of reconstruction software with Monte-Carlo data, muon cosmic data, SPS and LHC (in future) beams studies of influence of systematic effects on reconstruction performance (misalignment, material non-uniformities, B-filed, miscalibration etc) I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Features of high energy muons
Features of a muon of high energy (a few hundred GeV - TeV) low trajectory curvature limited pT estimation precision bremsstrahlung and EM showering contaminated events, problems with isolation precision is sensitive extremally to detector misalignment TeV muon in CMS muon stations new algorithms (or improvements), new trigger paths for high energy particles (no calorimeter isolation), better understanding systematic effects, tested with MC data and experimental data (cosmic muons and SPS beam) I. Belotelov et al. CMS NOTE 2007/038 Muon pairs can be measured with efficiency: 94÷92 % mass resolution: 3.8÷7.2 % spatial resolution: < 0.5 % for invariant mass 1÷ 5 TeV/с2 !!! I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Performance for Registration of Physics Objects
CMS performance to measure the particle of the Standard model was studies for different integrated luminosity scenarios starting from the first-LHC run up to ideal detector conditions. Each scenario is defined by our current knowledge of the performance of detector systems and reconstruction SW (miscalibration, misalignmnet, trigger efficiency etc) For example the different misalignment scenario: First-Data-Taking Scenario (10 pb-1) Long- Data-Taking Scenario (100 pb-1) Ideal Detector Scenario Misalignment also does not effect trigger efficiency and mischarged probability I. Belotelov et al. CMS NOTE 2006/017 CMS PTDR 2006 24 SM particles decayed into muon pairs can be measured precisely with high accuracy I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
SW Validation (GEANT-4)
SPS muon and pion beams (from 3 GeV up to 300 GeV) Tests of CMS simulation software (GEANT4-based) used for simulation of CMS detector response 2004 Beam test on -beams 2004 Beam test on -beams Electromagnetic secondaries Punch-through I. Belotelov et al. CMS NOTE 2006//034 CMS PTDR 2006 GEANT4-based SW is described experimental data well enough I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Expected Uncertainties: Drell-Yan Example
SM background is also computed for each integrated luminosity scenarios in dependence of physics tasks. Studies of BG processes assume: Estimates of rates and optimization S/B-ratio by selection criteria Estimates of theory- and detector-related uncertainties DY After selection cuts Drell-Yan dominates over other processes dijets, Wjets, ttbar, WW, WZ, ZZ Theory: QCD and EW high-order corrections (K factors) Parton Distribution Functions (PDF) QCD scale (Q2) Detector Misalignment B-filed Pile-up Trigger and reconstruction Shape of background Drell-Yan smearing (long-term data) Theory-related uncertainties are dominant!!! Need to be improved!!! I. Belotelov et al. CMS NOTE 2006/123 CMS PTDR 2006 Statistical errors are higher than detector ones I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Example of CMS Discovery Potential
Tevatron limit is 920 GeV for c = 0.1 LHC first run (CDF limit is 1.4 TeV) Resonance states non-resonant states I. Belotelov et al. CMS NOTE 2006/104 CMS PTDR 2006 I. Belotelov et al. CMS NOTE 2006/076 CMS PTDR 2006 CMS discovery potential is up to 1.7 – 3.8 TeV mass reach for resonance states and 5.5 – 8.3 TeV of fundamental Planck scale for non-resonant 100 fb-1 Spin-1/Spin-2 discrimination can be done with muon angular distributions up to TeV states Forward-backward asymmetry can be measured precisely enough to fix gV/gA ratio (which is sensitive to different extended gauge models) Z’ models can be discriminated up to masses of 2.5 TeV I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Computing, Data Processing and Analysis
Level 1 - Special Hardware Level 2 - Embedded Processors 40 MHz (1000 TB/sec) Level 3 – Farm of commodity CPUs 75 KHz (75 GB/sec) 5 KHz (5 GB/sec) 100 Hz (150 MB/sec) Data Recording & Offline Analysis CMS events – 1.5 MB trigger L1 – 75 GB/с trigger HTL – 0.15 GB/с data flow ~ 3 PetaB/year I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
proper computing structure was developed (and in progress)
To perform above defined tasks on monitoring detector performance and data quality, data processing, software development/validation and physics analysis the proper computing structure was developed (and in progress) support Tier-1 functionality data management and data transfer data processing support Tier-2 functionality Monte Carlo production and data analysis staging of simulated events support of HW resources and CMS SW data management for RDMS Analysis Group support Monitoring and Analysis Remote Room monitoring of detector systems, data taking, data quality I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
RDMS CMS Grid Sector Tier-0 CERN Other CMS Tier-1’s CMS RDMS Tier-1 Tier-2 JINR Dubna Tier-2 SINP MSU Moscow Tier-2 INR Troitsk Tier-2 FIAN Moscow Tier-2 KIPT Kharkov Tier-2 Minsk Tier-2 Erevan Tier-2 ITEP Moscow Tier-2 IHEP Protivino Tier-2 PNPI St.Petersburg Tier-2 Sofia Tier-2 Tbilisi Russia DMS RDMS Grid Sector To provide data management and data transfer to RDMS Tier-2 and data processing in the framework of RDMS Physics Tasks the special СMS RDMS Tier-1 was created in CERN I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Data Processing in CMS JINR CERN Tier 0 Tier 1 RDMS CMS Tier 2 CMS AOD
Data taking (RAW) Data Quality Monitoring Calibration Express Analysis (including selective reconstruction) Data packing to transfer to Tier-1 Data management for Tier 1 Tier 1 RDMS CMS Store of RAW data Reconstruction: RAW (1.5 MB/ev.) RECO (0.25 MB/ev.) AOD (0.05 MB/ev.) Pre-reconstruction: RAW RECO RECO: events with information on physics objects – clusters/hits, global tracks, vertexes, information on type of particles (particle identification), i.e. muons, photons, jets etc. Reconstruction of physics objects: RECO AOD AOD: final physics objects – tracks with associated hits, clusters in calorimeters, kinematics characteristics of particles- jets, muons, photons etc. Data management for Tier 2 RDMS CMS Tier 2 CMS Simulation (Monte Carlo) Physics Analysis including: Calibration and tuning with data Development of algorithm for reconstruction and analysis and its testing with RAW and RECO data MC AOD RAW Calibration const. RAW JINR Resources required for JINR : Disk: ~ 180 TB CPU: 680 KSI2K CERN I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR Tier-2 is ready for Data Taking
JINR Tier-2 Readiness During years the JINR Tier-2 was tested intensively in the CMS Computing, Software, Data and Analysis challenges (DC04, CSA06, CSA07) and also in Common Computing Readiness Challenge of 2008 (CCRC08). Sites Maintenance Job Robot T2- uplinkT1 downlinkT1 SAM Storage (TB) CPU (kSI2k)/ Job Slots Physics Task Association IHEP R NR 8.13 90/36 INR) 47 180/75 ITEP 80 257/99 JET/MET POG JINR 187 675/270 Exotica PAG Muon POG PNPI 104 100/40 SINP MSU 124 257/103 HI PAG FIAN 48 JINR Tier-2 is ready for Data Taking I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR Tier-2 Association with Physics Tasks
In accordance with JINR Physics Tasks where JINR actively participates the JINR CMS Tier-2 was associated by CMS to perform priority physics analysis: Exotics Physics Analysis Group to provide physics studies in the filed of physics beyond the Standard Model including searches for extra dimensions, extended gauge sector, compositeness etc Muon Physics Objects Group to provide development and testing of muon reconstruction and triggering algorithms and event processing software, systematic studies, user space for data processing Also the central space in Kharkov will be allocated to studies of particular Higgs discovery channel: H WW 2l +2 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR CMS Remote Centre about 5 years since MTCC2006 JINR is established remote operations with experimental data I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR Monitoring and Analysis Remote Centre
Monitoring of detector systems Data Monitoring / Express Analysis Shift Operations (except for run control) Communications of JINR shifter with personal at CMS Control Room (SX5) and CMS Meyrin centre Communications between JINR experts and CMS shifters Coordination of data processing and data management Training and Information I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Prospects for physics with 2009/2010 data
I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Example of the First Results @ 10 TeV
: 5 TeV beams and cm-2s-1 A,Lanyov and .S.Shmatov CMS TeV Muon Working Meeting CMS PAS in a progress Z µµ RS1 Graviton µµ CMS CDF Limit 2009 year a new stage of the CMS experiment will started new physics can be discovered if exists I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
JINR Participation in Physics Analysis
HCAL, ECAL, ES and MЕ1/1 calibration, tuning, testing of muon and jet reconstruction algorithms, s/w for Data Quality Monitoring and express analysis 2009 start-up of 10 TeV data taking at low luminosity 21030÷32 sm-2s-1 The first physics analysis of Drell-Yan samples and inclusive jet production (comparison with Tevatron data) at the ~ TeV region. Diffraction events. 2010 0.2 fb-1 Expected Higgs signals Physics analysis of Drell-Yan processes and looking for signals of higgs bosons and/or new physics in the invariant mass region uncovered so far (~ ТэВ). Jet data in the new region of x and Q2 (QCD and diffraction) measurements of the triple and quartic boson couplings 2011 start-up of 14 TeV data taking at low luminosity 1032 sm-2s-1 1-10 fb-1 2012 start-up of 14 TeV data taking at high luminosity 1034 sm-2s-1 Further Higgs and Top studies Physics analysis of Drell-Yan processes and looking for signals of higgs bosons and/or new physics in the inv. mass region uncovered so far(~1.7 – 5.6 ТэВ). Jet data in the new region of x and Q2 BEC of identical gauge bosons ZZ, W+W+, W-W-) fb-1 2013 ~ 300 fb-1 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
New Physics can be discovered if exists already
Summary JINR participation in CMS in framework of the RDMS is very successful Detectors of full JINR responsibility (ME1/1 and HE ) are ready for data-taking JINR plays a leading role in several physics tasks: Higgs bosons, Extended Gauge Models, Extra Dimensions, EWK and QCD. This activity is well visible in CMS 9 CMS analysis notes were prepared and defended for CMS Physics TDR 14 papers with CMS Physics Analysis/Computing were published for the last year only many young physicists and students are involved in Physics Analysis (4 PhD ‘s, more than 10 Diploma Theses) RDMS GRID Computing Facilities based on the special RDMS Tier-1 centre at CERN and Tier-2 in Dubna provide efficient participation of JINR group in CMS data taking and physics analysis JINR Group in CMS is ready to start physics analysis and waiting for the high energy p-p collisions New Physics can be discovered if exists already in 2010 with 200 pb-1 !!! The main effort of JINR in the CMS Project is concentrated on the design and construction of the end-cap detectors, where JINR bears full responsibility in the frame of the Russia and Dubna Member States (RDMS) CMS Collaboration. The main obligation of our Institute on construction and assembly of endcap hadron calorimeters has been fulfilled. The main interest of JINR and RDMS physicists is focusing on physics beyond the Standard Model with dimuon masses in TeV-range. I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Back-up BACK-UP dscsadscaccscvsdscscsa The main effort of JINR in the CMS Project is concentrated on the design and construction of the end-cap detectors, where JINR bears full responsibility in the frame of the Russia and Dubna Member States (RDMS) CMS Collaboration. The main obligation of our Institute on construction and assembly of endcap hadron calorimeters has been fulfilled. The main interest of JINR and RDMS physicists is focusing on physics beyond the Standard Model with dimuon masses in TeV-range. I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
CMS Cosmic Runs Magnet Test & Cosmic Challenge, 2006
Cosmics Run at Zero (CRUZET ) and Four Tesla (CRAFT), Energy deposited by muons HCAL CSC Spatial Resolution Functionality and operation of detector systems were tested Detector system performance are in a excellent agreement with (HCAL, Muon, Ecal) TDR (ME1/1) ~ mm per Station I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009 41
ADD Discovery limit @ LHC
jW(e/μ ) Real graviton production s=14 TeV L=100 fb-1 jW(τ) jet + G jet + high missing ET Bckgr.: Z/W + jet jet + + /jet + l + ISAJET with CTEQ3L Fast simulation/reco jZ() Tot back =2 MD=4 TeV =2 MD=8 TeV =3 MD=5 TeV MD= 7.7, 6.2, 5.2 TeV for n = 2,3,4 =4 MD=5 TeV J. Phys., G 27 (2001) ETmiss (GeV) G high-pT photon + high missing ET Bckgr: +jets, +Z/W, W, QCD, cosmic PYTHIA/SHERPA with CTEQ6L (S) and PYTHIA/CompHEP/Madgraph (B) Fast simulation/reco + 1 p. with full (GEANT-4) MC + L1 + HLT(rigger) Theoretical uncert. J. Weng et al. CMS NOTE 2006/129 MD= 1 – 1.5 TeV for 1 fb-1 TeV for 10 fb-1 TeV for 60 fb-1 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
RS1 Discovery Limit with CMS (II)
Di-photon states M.-C. Lemaire et al. CMS NOTE 2006/051 CMS PTDR 2006 two photons in the final state Bckg: prompt di-photons, QCD hadronic jets and gamma+jet events, Drell-Yan e+e- PYTHIA/CTEQ5L LO for signal, LO + K-factors for bckg. Fast simulation/reco + a few points with full GEANT-4 MC Viable L1 + HLT(riger) cuts Theoretical uncert. Preselection inefficiency G1 c=0.1 K. Gumus et al. CMS NOTE 2006/070 CMS PTDR 2006 Di-jet states Bckg: QCD hadronic jets L1 + HLT(riger) cuts 5 Discovered Mass: TeV/c2 I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
2009 year a new stage of the CMS experiment will started – new physics expected
: 5 TeV beams and cm-2s-1 luminosity trigger, calibration, alignment, mass reach 2011: Start of physics run with 14 TeV at up to 1033 cm-2s-1 luminosity 2012: Physics run with 14 TeV at up to 1034 cm-2s-1 luminosity I.Golutvin, S.Shmatov, A.Zarubin “JINR participation in CMS Preparation for Data Taking and Analysis”, JINR PAC, June 10, 2009
Суммарная эффективность регистрации ди-мюонов
acc acc L1 HLT offline аксептанс Различное поведение эффективности в области меньших масс обсуловлено различными механизмами рождения G* и Z’(DY) 46
+ jet processe Jet cross-section for PDF improvements
CDF: Phys.Rev.D70:074008,2004 Jet cross-section for PDF improvements Jet energy scale corrction 1.5*103 < Q2 < 105 GeV2 and 2*10-4 < x < 1 @ stat. 5%.
Jet Energy Scale
Resources required for JINR Physics Tasks in CMS
Disk space Place Remarks Data processing and analysis ~30 TB* Tier-2 JINR Local Space Mass production of MC data 20ТБ 10% от всего объема Tier-2 (MC Space) Allocated for CMS Exotics and Muon Working Groups 2x30 ТБ = 60 ТБ Analysis Space CMS Primary Data Sets 30 ТБ Central Space Remote Monitoring (ME1/1 и HE) and Express Analysis- ME1/1 - HE 2ТБ NTC Tier-2 JINR/ LHEP Monitoring and Analysis Room Software development and validation - user space private production (1-1.5)x10 ТБ = 10-15 ТБ 20 ТБ Tier-2 ОИЯИ/ User space Service Tasks 5-7 ТВ Transient Space while merging (tmp Space) Итого: ~ 180 ТБ
Muon Propagation
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