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Presentation on theme: "9/2/2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/2/2017

2 Evi Matthys Prof. Dr. Peter Van Bogaert Prof. Dr. Roy Remmen
The impact of collaboration between physicians and nurses on patient outcome (in primary care): a systematic review of systematic reviews. Evi Matthys Prof. Dr. Peter Van Bogaert Prof. Dr. Roy Remmen

3 What’s next? Background Aim Methods Results Discussion Conclusion

4 Background/context Avoidable hospital admissions
Value of healthy ageing Avoidable hospital admissions Inter-professional collaboration Nurses

5 Aim

6 Methods SEARCH Cochrane/Medline/Cinahl/Embase 4004 research articles
STUDY SELECTION 2 independent reviewers Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria: inappropriate setting QUALITY AMSTAR

7 Results 11 systematic reviews Patient outcomes Collaboration
Nursing roles

8 Improved and declined patient outcomes (n=11)
Equivalent: 9 Declined: 2 Mixed: 9 (Improved AND/OR equivalent AND/OR declined) Improved and declined patient outcomes (n=11) Improved N RCTs Declined Patient satisfaction 5 91 Colorectal screening 1 Number of hospitalizations 4 42 Health related quality of life 6 Blood pressure 3 40

9 Collaboration Variety of terms Other health care providers
Open communication "Politeness is the poison of collaboration." - Edwin Land

10 Nursing roles

11 Discussion Methodology Mixed outcomes
Mixed methods? Mixed outcomes Combination of different interventions e.g. medication adjustment, discharge planning protocol… What is collaboration?

12 Discussion Clear description of the intervention Education
Instrumental / integrated? Education Primary care: 9 SR mixed hospital and primary care settings Comparable patient population

13 Conclusion Collaboration between physicians and nurses
Adressing future challenges Future research…

14 "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." - Henry Ford


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