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20th October 2016 North Yorkshire SACRE

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1 20th October 2016 North Yorkshire SACRE
RE Diversity Day 20th October 2016 North Yorkshire SACRE

2 Welcome! Newby and Scalby Primary School Lindhead School
Wheatcroft Community Primary Woodlands Academy Northstead Community Primary School Braeburn Primary Wykeham Church of England Primary School Pickering Community Junior School St Peter's Catholic Primary School

3 Stand up/hand up if…. You live in Scarborough You are in Year 5
You like football You enjoy RE lessons You have visited a mosque You have met a Sikh You think it is important to learn about other religions You are looking forward to the day

4 Why are we here? North Yorkshire SACRE wanted to provide pupils in the Scarborough area with an opportunity to: Meet people from other religions Learn more about other religions Make new friends Have fun Find out about diversity champions

5 Sikh Buddhist Muslim Jewish

6 What are your perceptions?
Post its: Write one or two words that would describe what you know about/or think about these faiths. Islam Judaism Buddhism Sikhism

7 What do you know about different religions?
Quiz: Which religion is it? Use your voting cards: Islam Buddhism Judaism Sikhism

8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9 What are religious artefacts?
an object made by a human being that is important for that religion Religious artefacts can help pupils learn more about a religion

10 Workshop 1

11 Please sit in your school groups

12 Have your perceptions changed?
What have you learned today about a religion that you didn’t know before? Have your perceptions changed?

13 What is a Diversity Champion?
Someone who teaches other pupils about difference and diversity in a positive way. You could organise: assembly’s about different faiths celebrations for different religious festivals to teach your class or younger pupils about different faiths wall displays a report in the newsletter or on website to invite in speakers/visitors from different faiths……..

14 Action Planning. What are you going to do back in school?
Diversity Champions Action Planning. What are you going to do back in school?

15 Evaluations

16 Thank you for coming!

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