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FTDI Press Conference 2nd March 2010, Embedded World Vinculum VNC2

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1 FTDI Press Conference 2nd March 2010, Embedded World Vinculum VNC2 product launch

2 FTDI Press Conference Introduction Brief history – FTDI and Vinculum
Vinculum-II Objectives Vinculum-II Hardware Vinculum-II Software Architecture Summary Q & A Introduction – People, Fred Dart & Cathy MD and owner, Ian Dunn engineering manager, Gordon M Team leader IDE, Erika Dichtl- Marketing And Daniel McCaffrey – Sales and marketing manager Brief History – Company profile NEXT SLIDE COMPANY PROFILE

3 Vinculum Vinculum (pl. vincula) stands for a bond or tie.
VNC1 is a dual USB Host/Slave interface with an 8 bit CPU and 32 bit coprocessor. . Lots of very happy customers designing into a multitude of applications from coffee machines, commercial ovens to CNC. BUT – “can we have the capability to write our own firmware” “can we have more flexibility in hardware” “can we have smaller and larger packages with more resources” Wanted to be able to programme themselves with own code Comes with various “flavours” of FTDI’s tested and proven embedded firmware which is programmed into the internal, easily upgradeable, Flash memory Price expectation for some applications too low – change technology and geometry. NEXT SLIDE PRODUCT INTRODUCTION

4 Product Introduction VNC2
Vinculum-II (VNC2) is FTDI’s 2nd generation of dual USB Host/Slave ICs. Programmable SoC device with a powerful general purpose embedded 16 bit CPU core – it just so happens it also has USB host/slave capability !! Hardware designed to handle all USB data transfers, freeing up external processing power for the user application plus the ability to run in low power modes. Flexible hardware system solution with a programmable selection of available interfaces on all 6 package options. Integrated ‘C’ based software design environment (compiler, assembler, linker, debugger, RTOS, drivers) provides an “easy to use” firmware design solution. -2nd generation. Building on FTDIs USB experience and what the customer wants. Custom designed CPU with increased processing capability over the VNC1L – allowing for a system cost reduction based on the fact that any existing system using an external PIC to run the VNC1L can be removed from the system. Building on FTDIs competitive advantage of fully supporting designers and customers by delivering a complete solution, VNC2 enhances the initial member of the Vinculum family, the VNC1L, by reducing the device cost as well as introducing the capability for designers to develop their own application firmware and programme the host controller themselves. Flexibility of hardware/system design and lower power solutions as well as the added flexibility offered by the software IDE. With VINC2, FTDI are not moving into the uchip space. FTDI are a silicon company operating in the niche USB market space, and we provide a complete solution to our customers. FTDI have listened to their customers requests – they know what we can deliver and they know what they would like to see FTDI have developed VNC2 as an answer to these requests – delivering the USB solution – USB made easy./ NEXT SLIDE HARDWARE ACHITECTURE

And here is a block diagram of the hardware. Without trying to go into too much depth, the heart of the IC is the embedded 16bit custom built CPU – custom built means efficient. – which uses the embedded flash and RAM which is the memory within the brain. Briefly mention the interfaces which will be discussed in the next 2 slides Briefly mention the IO interfacing and how it provides system flexibility. Briefly mention possible applications. NEXT SLIDE HARDWARE FEATURES

6 HW Features Dual full-speed/low-speed USB 2.0 interfaces which can be independently configured as either USB host or slave. Custom designed, 16 bit SoC CPU powerful enough that no external CPU required to handle USB engine . Increased Flash and RAM memory provide large user areas of memory for customised applications. Flexible peripheral interface selection (next slide). Powerful debugger interface. Reduced power modes available, including suspend current of <200uA. Flexible product package offering – 6 different packages. The 48 pin LQFP package is backward compatible with Vinculum-I device. So what’s under the hood? FTDI have developed a custom CPU and increased the memory capability over the VNC1L. Why a new CPU ?– efficiency of silicon area and performance. The hardware has been designed to answer designers “flexible hardware” requirements with the flexible peripheral interface – which we will look at on next slide. The hardware also adds an extremely powerful debug capability which allows designers to explore what is happening in the silicon through a single pin. FTDI have also recognised the requirement for reduced power modes – hence the 3 different power operating capabilities But they have added even more choice for the designer offering a range of packages from 32pin to 64 pin – including a backward compatible 48 pin offering – resolving PCB area verses functional requirements of some application. Information in VNC2 Data Sheet: Vinculum II Embedded USB Host Controller IC. Also mention support for Bulk, Interrupt, Isochronous and Control USB transfers. NEXT SLIDE PERIPHERAL INTERFACES

7 Peripheral Interfaces
Other than the dual USB Host/Slave capability, VNC2 has the following resources which are available in all package sizes: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) 2 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Slaves SPI Master Debugger Interface Parallel FIFO Interface (245 mode) General Purpose Timers 8 Pulse Width Modulation blocks (PWM) General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Selection of ‘resources  IO’ is made via the I/O Multiplexer . The VNC2 has a number of peripheral interfaces – as listed here. The beauty of VNC2 is that a designer has the option to chose which of these peripherals he needs to use. Every package size has all the peripherals. The designer can pick-n-mix whish ones he needs. He also has the flexibility of routing these peripheral to a number of different pins – a very flexible solution. SO how do we use all these magnificent features. There is a choice of 3 package sizes. Internally all 3 packages have access to all these peripheral.... But the limitation of their use is the number of pins on the package. Each of these peripherals requires to use a number of package pins – for example the UART needs at least 4 pins. Each package has a number of available pins which these peripherals can be routed to.The user decides what he wants and he programs the peripherals to connect to external pins. This is achieved using the I/O mux. There is an obvious limitation that the smaller packages. Lets look at the overall software architecture of the how the VNC2 talks to a user application and what tools FTDI provide to “make USB easy” NEXT SLIDE SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM

8 Software Architecture
Stdlib Libraries Stdio User Application Math Device Manager Vinculum II Toolchain File System Upper Level Drivers Kernel Services SD Card BOMS HID HUB CDC FT232 Lets take a brief look at the actual tools available to the deisgner A designer has an application. The application wants to talk to the device –how? VNC1L has a monolithic firmware model which does not make provision for users to develop their own application code. With VNC2 the firmware model has evolved to provide flexibility, code maintainability, performance, stability and ease of use. The firmware application has a layered architecture consisting of: User application. Device Manager (FTDI-supplied) – provides user application access to the IC. Layered on top of the Kernel services Kernel Services (FTDI-supplied) – provides RTOS, interrupt servicing and application profiling. In complete the solution, FTDI have also provided the hardware drivers and the upper level USB specific drivers which talk to the hardware. Last but not least is the tool-chain – a set of tools which gets us back to the user and helps him with his application – llets take a closer look at the toolchain. NEXT SLIDE TOOLCHAIN Hardware Interface Drivers UART FIFO SPI Slave SPI Master USB Host USB Slave Vinculum II Hardware

9 VinIDE: Major Components
Tabbed Toolbar Watch Window Project Manager Source Editor Memory Window Here is a screenshot of the main window of the IDE with the major components. Discuss the windows I will now pass you back to Danny who will summarise what collateral we have available NEXT SLIDE : AVAILABLE COLLATERAL Message Window Breakpoint Window

10 Collateral Available Technical Documentation Installer
Product datasheet and Application Notes all on the FTDI website. Installer User Guides/Manuals and Executable files of Firmware, Libraries, Tool chain, Help files. Licensing Agreement & Sample Applications will be available on the website in April 2010. Engineering samples available now. Evaluation modules available now. NEXT SLIDE : SUMMARY

11 Summary VNC2 is the second generation of FTDI’s Vinculum family of dual USB Host Controllers. VNC2 is a new cost effective solution to provide USB Host capability using a new powerful custom build embedded 16bit CPU. VNC2 comes with an extensive set of custom designed software development tools, RTOS, firmware and libraries ( all royalty-free). VNC2 is available in 6 packages, all of which provide the user access to a variety of interface resources. VNC2 development boards and modules are now available. Information in VNC2 Data Sheet: Chapter 4: Function Description NEXT SLIDE : :Q&A

12 Questions & Answers Q. What are supported UART baud rates
– up to 3Mbaud on UART? Q Performance figures? Comparable when tested with reading and writing files to flash disk. Q Power supplies? +3.3V which is regulated to +1.8V. Chip takes typically 25mA Q How many programmable IO ? 44,28 and 12 on the 64,48 and 32 pin packages. Q Library support? - Yes for several USB classes (e.g. BOMS) plus support for the FAT file system

13 FTDI Contact details Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
Support: or visit:

14 Thank you for your attention!

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