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Presented by Career Management Services

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1 Presented by Career Management Services
Interviewing Presented by Career Management Services

2 Overview Preparing for an Interview What Hiring Managers look for
Basic Types of Interviews Common Questions Questions to ask Questions not to ask Salary Negotiation Closing the Interview After the Interview

3 Preparing for an Interview
Research the company and position you are interviewing for. Go over interview questions with friends and family, or participate in mock interviews. Prepare interview clothing and accessories Have resumes, applications and other requested materials available and ready Plan your route, and allow time to find the exact location. Arrive minutes early and expect to wait Review your resume and relate your interview to the experiences you present on it If you are running late, not able to make the appointment, or do not have the requested materials, give the employer as much notice as possible.

4 Professional Dress

5 Professional Dress Suits should fit well and be conservative color and style Wear appropriate shoes and accessories Hair should be well-groomed Makeup and jewelry should be conservative and should not draw attention Tattoos and piercings should be concealed

6 What Do Hiring Managers Look for?
Professionalism Appropriate dress, submission of materials requested, punctuality, addressing issues professionally. Concise answers Give examples from your work, school, or volunteer experiences. Be positive even when describing negative situations. Non-verbal positive feedback Seem interested, comfortable, and relaxed when answering questions. Knowledge and interest Convey your knowledge and interest in the company, industry, and position Ability to fill their need Uncover their needs and ideal candidate to answer questions and give appropriate examples

7 Phone Interview Frequently used as the first interview or as a screening interview Prepare to receive the phone call - prepare your greeting, voic , and others that might answer the phone. Find a quiet room, and have notepad and pen available. Be prepared to speak about your background & qualifications Speak clearly, sound positive and upbeat Prepare questions about the position Inquire about next step in interview process

8 Two Basic Styles of Interviews
Traditional Broad based questions about work ethic and skills Hiring decision based more on your communication skills and general qualifications Typically looking for positive answers and overall positive persona Behavioral Probe through specific questions based on past behaviors Looking for truthful answers of past experiences to assess future behavior In depth answers that describe the situation, discuss the actions you took, relate the outcomes, and specify what you learned from it. Other Types of Interviews: Phone, Performance, Situational, Panel, etc

9 Behavioral Will be conducted by a Human Resource representative or professional interviewer. Based on objective past results and behaviors Probing questions on your situation, so must be a very honest example Typically have a predetermined set of characteristics/skills they are looking for Possibly use a rating system to evaluate selected criteria

10 Common Questions Professional statement
Knowledge of the company and or position Short term, long term goals Strengths/Weaknesses Description of yourself (your perspective/others) Motivating factors (Most/Least) Success (What is it, examples, how to achieve) Why you want the job Why should you be hired

11 Approach to Questions Situation or Task
Describe a specific situation or task that you needed to accomplish. Be as detailed as possible for the interviewer to understand. Action you Took Describe the action you took and be sure to keep the focus on you. Avoid detailing others actions or lack there of even if you are discussing a group project or effort. Results you achieved Describe what happened? How did the event end? What did you accomplish? What did you learn? If possible, provide quantitative results.

12 Example Answers 1. High accomplishments
Prepare about examples/stories that fall into each of these categories: 1. High accomplishments 2. A time you had to overcome an obstacle/ disagreement Positive result Negative result 3. A negative experience with a coworker/customer/employer 4. A difficult decision **Draw from your recent experiences in class projects, voluntary organizations, extracurricular activities, work experiences, etc. **Improvising your Answers** Might be able to be unprepared through essays and presentations, but do not risk an employer sensing that you know nothing or made no attempt to learn more about their organization.

13 Questions to Ask Typical daily/weekly tasks Work environment
Other positions and/or departments interaction What does the training program entail Expectations for a person in this position Criteria for evaluation Opportunities for advancement

14 Questions not to ask Salary/benefits Background checks Social events
Make sure your questions are not focused on anything else but the company and the job itself. Do not bring up the following topics in the first interview: Salary/benefits Background checks Social events Vacation

15 Salary Negotiation Never make the first move….Salary is what you earn, not what you deserve Know your market and your limitations, NACE salary survey, etc When questioned on requirements, have a set range in mind Question the typical salary of the position

16 Illegal or Discriminatory Questions
Questions that are personal in nature including medical background, nationality, physical appearance, disability, and family. Although questions of a very personal nature are typically inappropriate, they are not illegal. These questions in an interview process can become illegal if they determine a hiring decision and are not directly related to qualifications of the job functions.

17 Answering Discriminatory Questions
Decline to answer Very direct approach, and should be used with caution Answer directly Be concise, clear, and comfortable disclosing Tactfully sidestep Rephrase question into a legal response

18 Closing the Interview Ask if there is anything in your background that might not qualify you for the position. Overcome any objections. Assure understanding of interview process, and when you should hear back from employer. Should you contact them if you do not hear back. Thank them for their time and opportunity to meet with them.

19 What to Do After the Interview
Send a thank you letter to each interviewer immediately following the interview. Thank them for their time, re-state your interest in the company or, follow up on some of your strengths that you feel make you the best candidate. Send by is common and appropriate in most circumstances today. To stand out from the crowd, send a hand written thank you note. Follow up with a phone call or if you do not hear anything in the expected time frame. Check on the status of the position. Never show frustration, there may be future opportunities that are better suited to you.

20 Career Management Services
Part-time and full-time job postings Experience e-recruiting Internships & Co-op ProTrack Federal Work-study Florida Work Experience Program Workshops Resume & cover letter critiques Optimal Resume Career Fair & Employer Day Mock interviews

21 For any questions, please contact:
Dona Gaynor Director of Career Management Services Delicia Lewis Assistant Director of

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