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WELCOME TO YEAR 6 2017-18.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO YEAR 6 2017-18."— Presentation transcript:


2 Staff Snowdon: Mrs Frommholz Windermere: Miss Drabble Other adults:
Miss Lawrence Mrs Suddaby Mrs Knight Mrs Taylor Mr Broadbent Mrs Severn Mrs Walker Mrs Chapman Mrs Niland Mrs French Snowdon: Mrs Frommholz Windermere: Miss Drabble

3 Curriculum Autumn Main Topic: Yellowstone National Park
Science Topic 1: All living things Science Topic 2: Animals including humans

4 English Ability Group across year group for two SPAG Lessons a week
Grammar – punctuation, spelling rules Lots of Writing – all kinds of fiction and non – fiction styles Reading – Class texts, guided reading carousel, comprehension

5 Mathematics Ability Group 3 ways across the year group during the week
Revision of Key Concepts Problem Solving Reasoning

6 Homework 3 activities a week To be completed in homework books
Spelling tasks handed out on a Monday. Homework tasks given out on a Wednesday. All homework to be handed in on a Monday. Children to be encouraged to read and practise their tables at home. Reading record/bookmarks/book list Homework on school website

7 Equipment Fully equipped pencil case Games Kit Tracksuit for cold
weather Water Bottle

8 Clarinets Thursday afternoons with Mrs French.
Parents will need to sign a contract of care for the clarinet before they are given out. Children will need to bring in on a Wednesday (to ensure it is in school for the lesson!) Will be expected to practise at home. This may sometimes be a weekly homework task.

9 Future Important Dates
Forest Schools , and Snowdon , and Windermere Natural History Museum Parents Evenings (5.30 – 8.00) and (3.40 – 6.00) School Christmas Productions , and

10 Contacting Us

11 Transfer to Secondary School
See Leaflet Strongly recommended that apply by; October 20th 2017 However applications are still received until October 31st 2017

12 PG Films and Clips

13 Any Questions?

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