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University Faculty Senate

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1 University Faculty Senate
Fall Plenary


3 Major Topics Seamless Transfer/ Transfer Paths SUNY Excel SUNY Budget
Campus Assessments Long Island College Hospital (LICH) General Education

4 Seamless Transfer From Seamless Transfer to Common Curriculum
All comprehensives reported some problems Many problems at the Community Colleges Outrage or Apathy – nothing in between (Tina Good)

5 Seamless Transfer Poor communication from SUNY
Faculty members were not aware that the result of the Learning Commons conversations would be a common curriculum among the 64 campuses for the 36 majors

6 Seamless Transfer Waivers 207 Requests, 17 approved, 30 denied
Others returned with requests for clarification Many in Limbo Denied w/o comment

7 Seamless Transfer Combined with pressures on our General Education programs there was general concern that faculty members were losing control of the curriculum

8 Seamless Transfer Our challenges Six majors in A&S
All majors in the Crane School

9 SUNY Excel Chancellor, Provost, Assistant Provost
Performance based assessment Attempt to secure funds above base Goals from 116 metrics to 8 Worked with CAOs Each campus would select their measures



12 SUNY Excel Chancellor stated that she wanted to see a shift from enrollment to retention and graduation rates for performance Analogy: For a M.D. - not office visits but health of a patient

13 SUNY Excel Assistant Provost SUNY enrollment ~460,000 students
Serve 2.7 million through various programs Example: Cornell Cooperative Extension

14 SUNY Excel Senate concerns
No faculty input or discussion during development Resolution to address

15 SUNY Budget Presentation by Robert Haelen, Interim Chief Financial Officer; Josh Sager, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business SUNY System has not had an increase in state support for many years Running a $5 million deficit Trimmed as much as possible

16 Campus Assessments SUNY System will collect the $5 million by assessing each campus Did not share how the assessments would be calculated

17 Long Island College Hospital (LICH)
Two competing purchase offers – both failed Sold for $240 million SUNY cost ~ $580 million Unclear how the deficit will be paid – LICH tax?

18 Long Island College Hospital (LICH)
Downstate faculty blame the governor Claimed that the purchase was forced on SUNY by his office Call for clarifications – study Comptroller DiNapoli has already made all details public

19 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Sectors meet on Thursday evening and Saturday to discuss campus issues to develop questions for the Chancellor Unscripted


21 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Enrollment decline Our sector has been squeezed by the increase in enrollment of first year students at the University Centers (removal of first year caps) Increase in four year programs at (what were) two year colleges – mission creep

22 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Enrollment decline We asked about mission creep at our meeting last spring Approved Master’s Degree at SUNY Delhi She responded that program approval is based upon when it is appropriate – not mission

23 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Enrollment decline Asked similar questions this time Chancellor hinted that if we had embraced Open SUNY we would not be experiencing enrollment declines

24 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Timely Approval of Programs Related to attracting new students Claimed that we are also slow System was slow but have a lot on their plate Dual approval process is in development

25 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Timely Approval of Programs It was pointed out, by faculty, that the increased delay in approval was the result of changes in GenEd and Transfer Paths

26 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Elsivier Contract University Centers SUNY System decreased their contribution by $1 million

27 Q&A with Chancellor Zimpher
Campus Assessments Necessary

28 General Education Sector meetings Most were ~ 45 credits
Many adopted the SUNY 7/10 as a temporary measure Many still working on adjustments Many shifted to graduation requirements

29 Other Guests Networks of Excellence – Timothy Killeen, Vice Chancellor for Research & President of the Research Foundation Provost Office Report – Alexander Cartwright, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Faculty Council of Community Colleges Report - Tina Good, President

30 Other Guests CUNY University Faculty Senate Report – Terry Martell, Chair UUP – Fred Kowal, President SUNY Student Assembly Report – Lori Mould, President

31 Resolutions Sexual Assault Prevention
Be It Resolved that the University Faculty Senate endorses and supports the SUNY initiative on sexual assault response and prevention; and …..

32 Resolutions Requesting All State University of New York Campuses Offering Athletics Create Programs to Support LGBT Athletes, Coaches, and Staff Be it resolved that the University Faculty Senate requests that SUNY System Administration, through individual campus Presidents and their designees, work with Directors of Athletics and Student Government organizations to develop systematic programs that support LGBT athletes, coaches and staff and prevent any anti-LGBT bias and discrimination in all sports on each of its campuses, and

33 Resolutions SUNY Excels Performance Measurement System
Be it resolved that support of the SUNY Excels program by the University Faculty Senate is contingent upon satisfactorily addressing the following: Both individual campuses and the SUNY system engage all participants in governance including faculty, staff and students in the development and implementation of campus specific performance measures that are integrally linked to their unique institutional missions;  and more…. …..

34 Resolutions Affordability of Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials Be it further resolved that the UFS asks the Chief Academic Officer on each campus to work with the Campus Governance Leader to consider faculty to adopt textbooks from all phases of Open SUNY Textbooks and other open textbook sources and be encouraged to author such resources; and

35 Resolutions Reduction on the Maximum Working Hours for Student Assistants Therefore Be it resolved that the University Faculty Senate requests that SUNY System Administration work with the State of New York to remove the limitation on student assistant working hours; and Be it further resolved that the University Faculty Senate urges the Chancellor to support any and all other efforts to provide students with insurance options so that student working hours not be limited.

36 Resolutions Support of expanding SUNY undergraduate research and creative endeavors Be it resolved that the University Faculty Senate encourages SUNY and campus administration to provide greater resources (funding, time, space, credit), to our colleagues who regularly inspire, educate, and mentor undergraduate researchers.

37 Resolutions Resolution on Naloxone Availability
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that University Faculty Senate requests that SUNY Administration ensure that all SUNY campus police units and campus First Responders have access to and are stocked with naloxone and are trained in its use for emergent administration; and

38 Incidentals Some programs at some colleges will ignore transfer paths
Not all in our sector require 45 upper division credits

39 Incidentals SUNY Potsdam has a nick name





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