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Developing a CRM Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a CRM Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a CRM Culture

2 Biggest Hurdles Making it Fun! Training What we use it for Our Successes

3 Getting started Go to person from each department became the “Sugar Babies” Meetings to determine what we wanted from the CRM Assigned people to scheduled Training sessions We made it fun!

4 Biggest Hurdles Building enthusiasm for CRM Implementation.
Convincing everyone of the benefits Changing daily habits Overcoming the Learning Curve Learning how to use CRM for tracking and accountability

5 Building Enthusiasm We called leaders, “Sugar Babies”
Leaders met once a week to discuss hurdles and find solutions. Staff from each department went to their “Sugar Baby” for help. These situations were brought to the weekly meetings for discussion.

6 Making it Fun! “Sugar Babies” created games that were based on uses of our CRM, and the information to enter. Staff games were played in our morning “WOW” meetings. CSR’s worked together to learn Everyone had fun!

7 Making Training Fun! Sugar Babies made Posters!!!
The main Sugar baby created fun Posters to remind employee’s to use the CRM They were everywhere… even the bathrooms!

8 The cure for the Common Client Issue
CRM The cure for the Common Client Issue Don’t despair CRM can help you through any Client Issue!

9 It's a Sugar Thing Use your tools!! "My Client has a tax problem."
"My computer isn't working right!!" "My Client needs training... they really need help!!!" Client called with a concern Maintain your schedule and tasks Need to document a recorded call Use your tools!! It's a Sugar Thing

10 Anything you can't take care of yourself...
Anything that needs to be documented... Anything that needs to be followed up on... Anything that causes you pain... It's an Issue! Enter it in Sugar!

11 Keep the momentum going!
Positive Talk Sugar Babies enforced employee’s use of the CRM. If an issue was being delivered verbally everyone was instructed to ask that it “please be entered into the CRM”.

12 Training Everyone was trained to use the CRM.
Initial big group training. Everyone received documentation showing step by step procedures Everyone was encouraged to ask for help to get past the learning curve.

13 Valuable CRM Data 2nd Runs Tracked for Client and SB
We Identified the type of errors We captured common errors and focused our training. Clients Year End needs Tax Notice follow up Identified repetitive client issues

14 Tax Notices, Then and Now
Then - We completed a form, attached the Notice, then gave it to the Tax Department Now – Enter the notice as an issue into our CRM. An automatic is sent to the Tax Department and others. Scan the notice attached to the clients profile. Then – we had a 5 day turn around Now - the same day in by11 out by 5!!!

15 CRM Retention Management
We generate a Hot List By tracking the issues we determine which Clients need extra attention. Weekly, in our morning “WOW” we review the Hot List with everyone. We team up and figure out what we need to do to move them to our “Raving Fans list.

16 Our Successes Everyone realizes the value and actually likes using the CRM We have reduced our errors In one year we developed new habits that are resulting in continuous improvement servicing our clients!

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