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William Steele’s SIX Functions of the Classroom Setting

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1 William Steele’s SIX Functions of the Classroom Setting
Antonette harris February 26, 2016 Classroom design Practicum A

2 Security & Shelter a function of the classroom setting that provides physical and psychological conditions THAT are beneficial to the student’s physical, emotional and mental stability. This classroom’s layout provides physical environmental elements, with its open walkways that are free from objects, allowing students to safely walk throughout the classroom. A soft rug and cozy chair are placed in the corner of the classroom providing a comfortable place for students to sit or lay and enjoy solitude.

3 Social contact methodically designing the classroom’s floor layout and arranging the classroom furniture in a manner to promote opportunities for the desired social interaction amongst the students, as well as the teacher and students. Student desks are clustered and facing each other. They promote social contact during cooperative learning. A horseshoe shaped table allows the teacher to effectively interact with a small group of students during teacher directed instruction.

4 Symbolic identification displaying tangible items that visually acknowledge the teacher and students’ personality, backgrounds and accomplishments. Student papers boast accomplishments. Posters observing student birthdays decorate the classroom walls acknowledging the student’s backgrounds. The teacher displays family pictures acknowledging the teacher’s background.

5 Task instrumentality comprises the various ways that the classroom setting can be arranged in order to help the teacher and students TO ACHIEVE CLASSROOM DUTIES swiftly and proficiently.. A classroom jobs board makes individual students accountable for carrying out classroom tasks. Labeled storage bins and lockers allow for successful organization and storage of classroom and student materials until they need to be used.

6 Pleasure a feature of an effective classroom setting that involves the teacher and student designing the classroom so that it is aesthetically pleasing. A rocking chair provides the classroom with a home-like quality that is soothing. Colored puffs made of tissue paper hang from the ceiling and decorate the tables and bulletin boards, giving the room a feeling of softness.

7 Growth an element of an effective classroom setting that provides students opportunities for physical, mental and/or emotional development. A recess bin provides exercise equipment that will promote students’ physical growth. Classroom laptops allow students to develop their academic and technological development. The classroom library provides students with books of various levels enabling them to develop higher literacy skills.

8 WORKS CITED Weinstein, C. S., & Romano, M. E., (2015). Elementary classroom management: Lessons from research and practice (6th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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