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Indonesian Batiks.

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1 Indonesian Batiks

2 The process Began in the Middle East, in India, Central Asia and Africa. By the nineteenth century, after the importation of more finely woven cloth from India and Europe, it became a highly accomplished art form in Java and Bali in Indonesia.

3 What does batiking say about their culture?
As an artist, it is important to think about why we are making things, what materials we use, what process we use and what it says about us. Why do you think someone would make a batik? Can you think of something similar in American culture that uses fabric to tell a story? It could be simply to make money in the textiles industry. It may be the sole providing piece for a families next meal. Some of them tell stories that are handed down through the years to the youngest in the family. Sometimes the story is of ancestors, or a message of hope, or a prayer of prosperity (growing) Quilts and quiltmaking are historical and modern forms of batik that we still make in America! Though other cultures have different ways of doing things, we all use art to express ourselves, our thoughts and beliefs, and our culture is how we learn about different ways of accomplishing that task.

4 What is culture? Culture is the way of life for a group of people.
Customs: How they celebrate, greet people Food: what and when they eat Location : Where are they physically located Materials: what they wear & Drive/Ride Language Beliefs: Religion, government, structure Arts: How and why they make art Encourage them to think of some examples but be careful of stereotypes.

5 How can we communicate our culture?
In art, one of the main forms of communication is symbolism. Symbolism is using pictures/images, colors, patterns or even animals to explain or convey and idea. For example: Emojis on our phones tell us how a person is feeling based on the expression of the emoji. That person doesn’t have to tell us they are happy or sad because we know by the picture.

6 What are some other symbols you can think of?

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