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Children and Youth At Risk Profile - Gisborne/Wairoa Districts

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1 Children and Youth At Risk Profile - Gisborne/Wairoa Districts
This report has been copied and adapted from a similar report created by Rebecca Lepa, Ministry of Education, BOP Waiariki Purpose Awareness of the risk profile of children and youth living in different areas of Gisborne/Wairoa can be used to help inform timelier and better targeted services. One useful way of targeting services is to focus on specific areas with higher concentrations of at-risk children and youth. However, there is a tension between targeting services at areas where a high proportion of children and youth are at risk and areas where larger numbers of at-risk children and youth live. Distribution of children with 2+ Risk Indicators Top 10 by Percentage: 0-5 years Top 10 by Percentage: 6-14 years Census Area Unit Total Pop (0-5 years) 2+ Risk Indicator % Total Pop (6-14 years) 2+ Risk Indicators Ruatoria 171 69 40% 99 45 45% Gisborne Airport 450 180 Outer Kaiti 324 144 44% 465 177 38% 345 138 Kaiti South 384 132 34% Tamarau 330 477 156 33% 378 141 37% Wairoa 663 213 32% 480 East Cape 339 102 30% Te Karaka 57 18 Tolaga Bay 123 33 27% Te Hapara 447 129 29% 612 159 26% 48 28% Nuhaka 36 9 25% Mangapapa 498 Top 10 by Number: 0-5 years Top 10 by Number: 6-14 years (0-5 years) Total Pop (6-14 years) 636 22% Gisborne Central 267 60 381 81 21% Children at risk (0-14 years) Four key risk indicators: 1. Having a CYF finding of abuse or neglect 2. Being mostly supported by benefits since birth (more than 75% of their lifetime) 3. Having a parent with a prison or community sentence 4. Having a mother with no formal qualifications. Projected Outcomes Children who have these indicators are more likely to leave school with no qualifications, to spend time on a benefit, and to receive a prison or community sentence. 0-5 years 6-14 years The results in this report are not official statistics, they have been created for research purposes from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) managed by Statistics New Zealand.

2 Distribution of youth aged 15-19 with at least 1 Risk Indicator \
Youth at risk (15-19 years) Five risk groups (See below for detailed criteria for each group): 1. Teenage boys with Youth Justice or Corrections history 2. Teenagers with health, disability issues or special needs 3. Teenage girls supported by benefits 4. Mental health service users with stand-down or CYF history 5. Experienced significant childhood disadvantage. Number and Percentage in at risk Youth population aged years Distribution of youth aged with at least 1 Risk Indicator \ Projected Outcomes Youth who have these indicators are less likely to achieve NCEA level 2 or higher qualifications and are more likely to spend time on a benefit, to use mental health and addiction services Top 10 by Percentage: years Census Area Unit Total Pop (15-19 years) At least 1 Risk Indicator % Outer Kaiti 246 87 35% Tamarau 249 Gisborne Airport 240 75 31% Kaiti South 69 29% Gisborne Central 207 57 28% Tolaga Bay 15 26% Patutahi 36 9 25% Wairoa 333 81 24% Te Hapara 342 78 23% Mangapapa 393 84 21% Top 10 by Number: years East Cape 186 33 18% Whataupoko 300 24 8% Teenage boys with Youth Justice or Corrections history Teenagers with health, disability issues or special needs Teenage girls supported by benefits Mental health service users with stand-down or CYF history Experienced significant childhood disadvantage In any at risk group Total Pop (15-19 years) Number % Gisborne 261 7.2% 90 2.5% 93 2.6% 237 6.5% 327 9.0% 720 19.9% 3,624 Wairoa 45 7.7% 15 4,212 1.5% 10,926 3.8% 51 8.8% 114 19.6% 582 NZ 12,801 4.4% 5,772 2.0% 27 4.6% 16,128 5.5% 36,516 12.6% 289,539 15-19 years The results in this report are not official statistics, they have been created for research purposes from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) managed by Statistics New Zealand.

3 At least 1 Risk Indicator
Appendix : Children and youth At Risk by Census Area Unit (CAU) for Gisborne and Wairoa Districts NB CAUs with less than 10 children or youth at risk are not shown Data All data presented in this report has been sourced directly via the Social Investments Insights tool developed Statistics New Zealand and New Zealand Treasury (see The Social Investments Insights tool uses the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), which brings together information from a wide range of government departments. Records are linked using name and date of birth. The data are anonymised and used only for research purposes. See The main analysis is a birth cohort analysis, which focuses on those born between 1 July 1990 and 30 June 1991, who can be observed through to age 21 in the data set. Caveats The data has a number of limitations and caveats: The scope of the data is limited by the nature and breadth of the information collected in agencies’ administrative systems and included in the IDI. For example, the administrative data provides only a partial picture of childhood adversity, service use and service costs. .The population coverage errors, linkage errors and biases present mean that the results are indicative only, and not highly accurate estimates. The methods used to estimate future outcomes and costs are designed to provide a comparative picture of future outcomes and costs for different population subgroups, but they have some significant limitations. These estimates should be viewed as indicative, and not as forecasts of the actual outcomes and costs that will be incurred in the future. Geographical location is derived from administrative information held by government agencies. In some cases this data may be inaccurate or out of date, and individuals may be allocated to areas in which they don’t reside as a result. While the results highlight the power of using integrated administrative data in new and innovative ways, some of the methods are exploratory in nature, and as such the results should be considered as preliminary, requiring further testing and development over time. Census Area Unit Total Pop (0-5 years) 2+ Risk Indicators % Wairoa 480 177 37% Outer Kaiti 324 144 44% Kaiti South 378 141 Gisborne Airport 345 138 40% Mangapapa 498 132 27% Tamarau 330 Te Hapara 447 129 29% Gisborne Central 267 60 22% East Cape 171 48 28% Ruatoria 99 45 45% Whataupoko 312 33 11% Kaiti North 180 18 10% Te Karaka 57 32% Tolaga Bay 69 26% Tarndale-Rakauroa 120 15 13% Riverdale 12 Census Area Unit Total Pop (6-14 years) 2+ Risk Indicators % Wairoa 663 213 32% Gisborne Airport 450 180 40% Outer Kaiti 465 177 38% Te Hapara 612 159 26% Tamarau 477 156 33% Mangapapa 636 138 22% Kaiti South 384 132 34% East Cape 339 102 30% Gisborne Central 381 81 21% Ruatoria 171 69 Whataupoko 456 39 9% Kaiti North 270 33 12% Tiniroto 288 11% Tolaga Bay 123 27% Riverdale 243 24 10% Te Karaka 111 Wharekaka 231 Tarndale-Rakauroa 204 18 Census Area Unit Total Pop (15-19 years) At least 1 Risk Indicator % Outer Kaiti 246 87 35% Tamarau 249 Mangapapa 393 84 21% Wairoa 333 81 24% Te Hapara 342 78 23% Gisborne Airport 240 75 31% Kaiti South 69 29% Gisborne Central 207 57 28% East Cape 186 33 18% Whataupoko 300 24 8% Riverdale 156 15 10% Tolaga Bay 26% Wharekaka 150 Kaiti North 135 12 9% Ruatoria 60 20% Tarndale-Rakauroa The results in this report are not official statistics, they have been created for research purposes from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) managed by Statistics New Zealand.

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