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Economies of Colonial America

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1 Economies of Colonial America
A look at the Thirteen Colonies

2 13 Colonies England

3 England’s American Colonies
There were 3 groups of Colonies New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies

4 New England Colonies Connecticut Massachusetts New Hampshire
Rhode Island

5 Middle Colonies Delaware New Jersey New York Pennsylvania

6 Southern Colonies Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina

7 Atlantic Slave Trade

8 Capture The original capture of slaves was almost always violent
As European demand grew, African chieftains organized raiding parties to seize individuals from neighboring societies Others launched wars specifically for the purpose of capturing slaves

9 Iron, Metal goods Sugar and Molasses Slaves and Gold

10 Middle Passage Following capture, slaves were forced into holding pens before being loaded on to ships The trans-Atlantic journey was called the “Middle Passage” The ships were filthy, hot, and crowded

11 Middle Passage Crews attempted to keep as many slaves alive as possible to maximize profits, but treatment was extremely cruel Some slaves refused to eat and crew members used tools to pry open their mouths and force-feed them Sick slaves were cast overboard to prevent infection from spreading

12 Middle Passage During the early days of the slave trade, mortality rates were as high as 50% As the volume of trade increased and conditions improved (bigger ships, more water, better nourishment and facilities), mortality eventually declined to about 5%

13 Middle Passage Most ships provided slaves with enough room to sit upright, but not enough to stand Others forced slaves to lie in chains with only 20 inches of space between them

14 The Southern Economy Large Plantations Agriculture Raw materials
Cash Crops- crops grown mainly to be sold for a profit Tobacco, rice, and indigo

15 The Southern Economy Plantations required a good amount of harsh physical labor. By the 1700’s enslaved Africans were the main work force Slave Codes- laws created to control slaves

16 The New England Colonies
Had harsh environment with poor rocky soil Crops were hard to grow No big plantations, no need for many slaves Used own labor

17 The New England Colonies
Fishing Timber Shipbuilding Shipping ports became center of economy Traded a variety of goods

18 The Middle Colonies Is a mix of commerce and agriculture
Good farming land Long growing season Grew staple crops- crops that are always in demand Wheat, barley, and oats Also raised live stock

19 The Middles Colonies Made use of Slaves
Indentured Servants- people contracted to work for set amount of time, then freed Good shipping ports New York, Philadelphia

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