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“House of Asterion” Allusions

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1 “House of Asterion” Allusions


3 Daedalus, Pasiphae and wooden cow
Daedalus, Pasiphae and wooden cow. Roman fresco from the northern wall of the triclinium in the Casa dei Vettii (VI 15,1) in Pompeii.

4 Pasiphaë and the Minotaur
Pasiphaë and the Minotaur. Tondo of an Attic red-figure kylix, BCE.

5 Theseus and the Minotaur. Side A from an Attic red-figure pelike, ca
Theseus and the Minotaur. Side A from an Attic red-figure pelike, ca BCE.

6 Pyramid of Hawara, commissioned c
Pyramid of Hawara, commissioned c BCE by Egyptian pharaoh Amenemhét III. The unusual temple on the south side of the pyramid was called the “Labyrinth” by by ancient Greek historian Herodotus in his 5th century BCE book about Egypt.


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