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K. Foraz on behalf of OSS members

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1 K. Foraz on behalf of OSS members
Injectors & LHC report K. Foraz on behalf of OSS members 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

2 AD & LEIR AD LEIR Alignment of pick-up tanks (UHM3107 and UVM3207 )
Electrical reconnection work in progress Girder line 7000 : Manufacturing drawings in progress with design office. TREC operational Increase of the cooling capacity has been agreed for building 195. LEIR Organization of future bake-out (sector 1, 2 & 5) in progress Installation new access point in progress General cleaning of LEIR area will start next week, in collaboration with TSO 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

3 PS Done In Progress Dismantling cranes PR06 & PR20
PS crane dismantling Done Dismantling cranes PR06 & PR20 In Progress CV Consolidation program is progressing Route Goward shielding - Last step: Friday June 28th NO ACCESS (coated phase)   Septum 16 External Shielding - survey just started PS PSS Safety and Access System Installation is on progress Septum 16 external shielding - survey CV module 3 transport 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

4 Preparation for the beam dump replacement
PSB In progress On site preparations for the beam dump replacement project Replacement of the PSB lift AS-45. Installation of the underground cables (~40% completion - on schedule). CV maintenance. Kicker consolidation and maintenance. Septa Consolidation and maintenance. Forecast Evacuation & BIW installation. Vacuum and Beam instrumentation maintenance & upgrade programs under preparation (DIMR/WDP’s). Replacement of the BI.SMH under preparation. Preparation for the beam dump replacement 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

5 18kV transformer logistic
SPS Done 15 magnets exchanged (delay due to BA6 lift breakdown) Fire brigade exercise In progress Cable trays installation trays along the roofs of the surface BAs EL cable campaigns on schedule Preparation for LSS1+ decabling campaign Fibre Optics are working in BA6+ (access in this area will be restricted until the middle of next week) Transformer replacement in BA5 A big thank you to everyone involved as this work was completed without any problems Issue: BA6 Monte-charge is still out of service. Replacement parts arrived on Thursday, it shall be back in operation by the end of today. Fire brigade exercise last night 18kV transformer logistic 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

6 chilled water pipes removed
LHC - P1P2 R2E – UL14 chilled water pipes removed R2E – Pt1: Installation of canalys and AC cable in UL Finished Disconnection of equipment to be relocated will start next week Optical fibbers connection and test just finished LSS1: cabling almost finished – connectors being installed Walkway installation in progress To come: DQ-DQS upgrade Arc 12: Evacuation on June 27th (problem with vacuum pump exhaust Exchange of cryo-magnets in progress (3/6 transported) DYPB racks transported to surface for upgrade (last sector)  Vacuum consolidation finished Faulty vacuum pump 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

7 LHC - P2  P3 Point 2 Arc 23 LSS3 Cabling in progress
UW maintenance almost finished Cryogenic maintenance in progress Vacuum : B1L2, B1R2 Arc 23 Vacuum consolidation in progress Walkway installation in progress Magnet replacement will start next week LSS3 UP33-R34 : civil engineering (minor works) Last minute - ALARA cable tray – to understand if TETRA affected by the work (meeting next week) 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

8 LHC - P3P5 Arc 34 LSS4 & P4 Arc 45 QRL leak test in progress
RF ball test (last one) successful LSS4 & P4 Cabling in progress Vacuum activities: B5L4 ADT RF plant maintenance and upgrade (removal of water flow meter done) Arc 45 QRL service module upgrade finished QRL leak repair in progress - see K. Brodzinski slides LSS5 &P5: 13kA and 600kA systems upgrade done 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

9 LHC – R2E @ P5 R2E – P5 Displacement of cables in UL finished
Drilling started “Mode operatoire” has been reviewed  improve personnel safety New methods  increase duration (~x2)  work in 2 shifts to stay within time slot 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

10 LHC - P5P7 Arc 56 QRL tests in progress – see K. Brodzinski slides SMACC M line welding starting (EN-MME) – 14/18 welded – nominal rate (56/wk) DFBA – problem of broaching -> delay to be analyzed LSS6 & P6 Maintenance of cooling tower UPS being replaced in UAs and US Cleaning of MKB Arc 67 SMACC – 1st shunt being installed DFBA (see arc 56) M welding Courtesy: S. Atieh US65 – new UPS 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

11 LHC - P7P1 R2E – P7: LSS7&P7 Arc 78 LSS8 &P8 Arc 81
Power converters disconnection & cable removal finished TZ76 – demolition wall in progress – 100m/235m demolished LSS7&P7 13kA & 600A upgrade next week vacuum activities from next week Arc 78 SMACC Magnets replacement finished, except Q5L8 DN200 – still a week of work M opening has started QRL compensator will be dismounted next week LSS8 &P8 New cooling tower installation in progress BTVSS back in place with repaired fingers Arc 81 QRL compensator being dismounted Few M lines being opened for statistic on geometrical NC QRL compensator removal 29R8 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

12 General infrastructures
Sunrise upgrade Demineralised water production  400kV & 66kV maintenance and consolidation Progress according to schedule Fire wall construction New start 66 kV for Meyrin et 3rd source 66 kV Exchange of protection and 66kV elements 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

13 Overall progress Injectors: on schedule LHC on schedule
P5 safety issue solved – resources increased SMACC – to follow M line welding progress rate DFBA schedule General infrastructures: good progress Prehistoric fresco in sector81 28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

14 Back-up: sector 12 evacuation
Message from P. Cuikshank Following the insulation vacuum consolidation works in the S12 arc, the first QRL subsectors were being evacuated from atmospheric pressure with mobile pumping groups equipped with large capacity rotary pumps.  One of these units, placed near to Q31L2, and evacuating the QRL subsector D malfunctioned shortly after start-up. The exhaust filter, designed to condense oil mist at the pump exhaust failed to operate – the cause of this malfunction hasn’t been investigated yet. The pumping group was started up at 09:38 and shortly after, the VSC support staff moved to another part of the tunnel. A smoke cloud (oil mist) became visible to non-VSC technical staff working nearby, and a local fire alarm was manually activated.  From logged data, the pumping group stopped evacuation of the QRL at 09:54 - I understand the electrical supplies were interrupted following the fire alarm (tunnel lights went out). During the intervention by the fire brigade, the pumping group was identified as the cause of the problem, and the oil mist cleared. During an afternoon visit to the pump location, there were no detectable traces of oil on any surface, including in the directly path of the exhaust port. A similar incident occurred during LHC installation. The pumping group will be brought to the surface and the malfunction investigated. An immediate action is that similar pumping groups in use in the tunnel shall be monitored by VSC during the first 20 minutes of high load gas flow. The above inputs will be integrated into a formal report. Apologies for the interruptions & inconvenience generated by this incident.    28/06/2013 LSC - K. Foraz

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