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Chapter 5 Integumentary System.

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1 Chapter 5 Integumentary System

2 Functions Chemical barrier Physical barrier Biological barrier
Body temperature regulation Sensation Metabolism (vitamin D) Blood reservoir Excretion


4 Epidermal Cells Melanin & carotene pheomelanin (red) and eumelanin (very dark brown).

5 Layers of the Epidermis

6 Parts of the Dermis Pacinian corpuscles – pressure
Meissener’s corpuscle - touch Hair follicles Sweat glands Blood vessels Arrector pili muscles Dermal Papillae (tactile corpuscle)

7 Imbalances Erythema Pallor or blanching Jaundice
Bronzing (Addison’s disease) Hematomas Cyanosis

8 Hair Vellus (fine) hair and terminal hair

9 Glands Sudoriferous (Sweat)
Eccrine sweat glands: function throughout life. Apocrine: located in the axilla, groin, areolae, and beard areas. Begin functions at puberty. Ceruminous glands – wax in the ears. Mammary glands = milk Sebaceous glands = oil (sebum)

10 Fingernails

11 Epidermal wound healing

12 Deep wound healing

13 Skin cancers

14 Types of Skin Cancers Malignant Melanoma Basal Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

15 Burn chart

16 Words to Know Albinism Hemangioma Impetigo Laceration Nevus Pruritis
Psoriasis Wart Vitiligo

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