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Step by Step guide to creating Test Tracks

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1 Step by Step guide to creating Test Tracks

2 Introduction This document can be printed out or used as presentation
Either way it will give a Step by Step introduction to creating a Test Track issue in CRM Eyeblaster The Advantages of Partnering With the Best Founded in Eyeblaster is the global rich media leader and provider of the Rich Media Platform – the only single solution to manage all your rich media needs. And the company’s commitment to innovation ensures clients will always access the most robust, cutting edge technology that grows ahead of market demand. Eyeblaster is the industry leader. In 2004, the company delivered: 2,285 campaigns, up 60% from 2003 Billions of ads Eyeblaster is global Headquartered in New York, Eyeblaster maintains 15 offices in 11 countries Eyeblaster is the creative leader Delivering more ad formats than any other vendor, Eyeblaster powers your creative drive with interactive and video solutions

3 Step by Step Eyeblaster The Advantages of Partnering With the Best
Founded in Eyeblaster is the global rich media leader and provider of the Rich Media Platform – the only single solution to manage all your rich media needs. And the company’s commitment to innovation ensures clients will always access the most robust, cutting edge technology that grows ahead of market demand. Eyeblaster is the industry leader. In 2004, the company delivered: 2,285 campaigns, up 60% from 2003 Billions of ads Eyeblaster is global Headquartered in New York, Eyeblaster maintains 15 offices in 11 countries Eyeblaster is the creative leader Delivering more ad formats than any other vendor, Eyeblaster powers your creative drive with interactive and video solutions

4 Introduction – How to connect
Direct your browser to: In order to allow all Eyeblaster’s partners and out of office employees safe access to the CRM an SSL based VPN solution is provided. If you require access to this solution please contact the Eyeblaster IT Management.

5 Introduction to CRM Terminology
You can think of Activities and Tasks as correspondence between 2 tier and yourself, the Case is the container for the correspondence Case: Any issue, problem, question or request identified by any party. Every customer query should be recorded in the CRM as a case. Activity: An activity is any action item associated with a case, account or contact. An activity can be one of the following types: phone call, , fax, IM, letter, appointment or task Task: A task is an activity with the type “task.” When there is a specific action item to be done such as “solve a serving problem” or “perform campaign QA” and activity with the type “task” is opened. Specifying the type of task has an advantage in reporting of what issues are causing a lot of trouble for Account Managers and Clients Feel free to use the CRM system to manage other Projects

6 Create a new Case A case is the container for all correspondence going back and forth from 2tier and yourself. Eyeblaster The Advantages of Partnering With the Best Founded in Eyeblaster is the global rich media leader and provider of the Rich Media Platform – the only single solution to manage all your rich media needs. And the company’s commitment to innovation ensures clients will always access the most robust, cutting edge technology that grows ahead of market demand. Eyeblaster is the industry leader. In 2004, the company delivered: 2,285 campaigns, up 60% from 2003 Billions of ads Eyeblaster is global Headquartered in New York, Eyeblaster maintains 15 offices in 11 countries Eyeblaster is the creative leader Delivering more ad formats than any other vendor, Eyeblaster powers your creative drive with interactive and video solutions

7 1. Write a Title Eyeblaster The Advantages of Partnering With the Best
Founded in Eyeblaster is the global rich media leader and provider of the Rich Media Platform – the only single solution to manage all your rich media needs. And the company’s commitment to innovation ensures clients will always access the most robust, cutting edge technology that grows ahead of market demand. Eyeblaster is the industry leader. In 2004, the company delivered: 2,285 campaigns, up 60% from 2003 Billions of ads Eyeblaster is global Headquartered in New York, Eyeblaster maintains 15 offices in 11 countries Eyeblaster is the creative leader Delivering more ad formats than any other vendor, Eyeblaster powers your creative drive with interactive and video solutions

8 Select the account - For all testing, select the “europe testing”, “testing” or other recognized testing account, not a real one

9 Select the contact

10 Select the issue type

11 Write a description of the case

12 When finished press save
No more information is mandatory, but filling in the campaign and flight related information, is useful when generating reports, to see what happened with a campaign, and pinpointing for example why it is or was under delivering.

13 After the case has been saved you can attach files.
Activities is the unanswered and unclosed tasks which can be thought of as correspondence. History is the old tasks / correspondance.

14 Copy the content of the “description field”
The next step in creating Test Tracks is currently being streamlined, for now please follow this procedure: Copy the content of the “description field” Go to the Activities

15 An “activity” of type “task” has automatically been created, now double click this to edit it, and to assign it to 2tier.

16 1. Now paste the description from the case in here.
2. These fields are automatically filled out, no need to change. 3. Then expand the assignment dialog.

17 1. Change from user to queue.
2. Select the 2tier queue.

18 2. Copy the subject from above to down here.
1. Copy description to down here. 3. Tell the system when you expect 2tier to get back to you. 4. Press assign.

19 Your issue is now in the 2tier queue, double click to see it as 2tier is seeing it.

20 The information from the assignment is directly visible.
Using this link, 2tier can see the last task / activity / correspondence. The information from the assignment is directly visible. Using this link, 2tier can see the case.

21 When the correspondence is assigned back to you, you will receive an , and a task will appear in you queue

22 Double-click the task / activity to investigate what was done.

23 If a solution was found use “save as completed” to close the dialog / activity.
If further correspondence is need use the assignment to respond to 2tier and close this task / activity

24 The completed the task is no longer your queue.
Now open the case to close the entire case using the “save as completed button”.

25 Thank you for attending
General Questions: MSN IM: CRM Development: Amit Avraham IT Support: Haim Chibotero

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