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FY 17 Out of School Time (OST) RFPs Pre-Proposal Conference

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Presentation on theme: "FY 17 Out of School Time (OST) RFPs Pre-Proposal Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 17 Out of School Time (OST) RFPs Pre-Proposal Conference

2 Agenda for Pre-Proposal Conference
Welcome and Introductions Overview of Four RFPs Investment Priorities Applicant Eligibility Submission Requirements (Fundingtrack) Technical Assistance Support Questions and Answers

3 Overview of OST RFPs Family League of Baltimore has released a series of RFPs to increase out of school time opportunities for Baltimore youth. These programs are made possible through the increased funding identified by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and the Baltimore City Council. The RFPs will support school-year and year-round programming*. The RFPs have two over-arching areas of focus: 1. New Out of School Time Opportunities for Youth Comprehensive OST Programs for K-8 Supports for High School Youth Programs Single Focus Enrichment Programs K-12 2. OST Programs in Community Schools Frederick Elementary John Ruhrah Elementary/Middle James McHenry Elementary/Middle Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

4 Comprehensive OST Programs for K-8
Comprehensive K-8 OST programs: Directly serve youth (1:15 staff to youth ratio) Operate a minimum of 12 hours per week Are open for 10 months Offer a mix of academic, enrichment and physical activities Serve snacks and supper meals each program day Serve a minimum of 30 youth/maximum of 45 youth each program day(through this RFP) Emphasis on retention of youth Quarterly payments are earned, full payment requires maintaining a minimum 90% Average Daily Attendance Work in partnership with a school(s) and other community agencies to coordinate recruitment and retention Support family and community engagement efforts Operate in a school or a community setting Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

5 Supports for High School Youth
High School Youth Programs: Directly serve youth (1:15 staff to youth ratio) Operate a minimum of 5 hours per week Are open for 10 months Offer a mix of academic, enrichment and college/career and dropout prevention activities Serve snacks and supper meals each program day Demonstrate youth voice and leadership in program design and implementation Serve a minimum of 15 youth each program day (through this RFP) Emphasis on retention of youth Quarterly payments are earned, full payment requires maintaining a minimum 75% Average Daily Attendance Work in partnership with a school(s) and other community agencies to coordinate recruitment and retention Support family and community engagement efforts Operate in a school or a community setting Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

6 Comprehensive OST Programs for Community Schools
Comprehensive K-8 OST programs: Must serve students at the identified Community School Directly serve youth (1:15 staff to student ratio) Operate a minimum of 12 hours per week Are open for 10 months, beginning programming no later than September 30th Offer a mix of academic, enrichment and physical activities Serves snacks and supper meals each program day Serve a minimum of 60 youth on each program day Emphasis is on retention of youth Quarterly payments are earned, full payment requires maintaining a minimum 90% Average Daily Attendance Support family and community engagement efforts Operate in the identified school or in a community setting Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

7 Single Focus Enrichment Programs
Directly serve youth (1:15 staff to youth ratio) Operate a minimum of 2 hours per week, maximum 6 hours per week Are open for a minimum 2 weeks, and a maximum 10 months Offer a specific programming in the areas of: Arts Sports STEM College/Career Readiness Credit Recovery Academic Support Serve a minimum of 15 youth each program day Emphasis on retention of youth Payments are made on a reimbursement basis, but will be expected to achieve and maintain capacity as outlined in scope Operate in a school or a community setting Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

8 Investment Priorities
The following criteria will be used in determining which programs will be selected for funding: Quality of Programs Proposed: Program is grounded in youth development principles Aligned to the needs of the populations being served Evidence of youth/community voice in program development Demonstrated ability to recruit and retain students Supporting Underserved Communities and Special Populations: Examples: homeless youth, youth in highly disadvantaged communities (e.g. high FARM rates), justice involved youth Communities with lack of significant private and public investment as well as those facing health disparities Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

9 Investment Priorities Continued
3. Aligned to National and Local Best and Promising Practices: Shows links to programming in this proposal as  best or promising practices for teenage youth. Shows commitment to youth voice and leadership in program  design, evaluation and implementation.   4. Organizational Capacity of Funded Partner: Demonstration that the mission of the organization is aligned  with youth development, demonstrates commitment to quality youth programming, has a strong presence  within the community and solid track record for the establishment of partnerships.      5. Leveraging of Additional Resources: Evidence that the applicant and its partners will utilize this investment  to leverage significant additional resources for youth and families. Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

10 Previously Funded Partners
If you received funding from Family League in the past fiscal year you will be required to answer these questions: Were you successful in recruiting and serving the number of youth identified in your scope of work? If No, please discuss the challenges/barriers faced and how you have addressed them in the proposed  program plan.  Did you meet the required participation in program quality and  professional learning communities or  required professional development?    If No, please discuss the challenges/barriers faced and how you have addressed them in the proposed  program plan. Were you successful in projecting and managing the program’s  budget and expenditures?    Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

11 Applicant Eligibility
Applicants must: Qualify as a nonprofit corporation with 501c(3) status; a for profit corporation; a public entity; or an organization partnering with a fiscal sponsor; AND Have a minimum two-year track-record for supporting children, youth and families, either through: The delivery of out of school time programming; and/or The provision of direct services to youth and their families. AND Provide direct services to youth. Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

12 Due Diligence Documents
Applicants must provide the following Due Diligence documents for each organization being considered for  funding: A Certificate of Good Standing with the State of Maryland dated no earlier than January 1, 2016 (may be obtained by visiting:     Audited financial statement dated June, 2015 or more recent and the associated management letter (for organizations receiving $50,000 or more per fiscal year)   Most recently filed Form 990 (for organizations receiving less than $50,000 or more per fiscal year) If a fiscal sponsor will be used, applicants must furnish a current,  signed agreement with the fiscal  sponsor organization.  Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

13 Submission Requirements
Applicants are required to submit proposals through FUNDINGtrack, Family League’s online grants management system accessible through Applicants be registered in FUNDINGtrack. A tutorial for this process is accessible through Applicants are highly encouraged to register early! Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February

14 Submission Requirements
For questions or problems using FUNDINGtrack, contact the help desk, available between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Applications must be completed by August 12, 2016 by 4:00 p.m.

15 Pre-Proposal Conferences and Technical Assistance
Date Location Time July 19, 2016 Family League of Baltimore 5pm-7pm July 26, 2016 Southeast Anchor Library 1pm-3pm Technical Assistance 3pm-4pm July 28, 2016 Y in Waverly (33rd Street) Technical Assistance By Appointment Phone: Summer RFP will be released through the Summer Funding Collaborative in late January/early February Answers to questions discussed at the pre-proposal conferences will be posted on Family League’s website at

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