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I’m just wild about Harry!

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Presentation on theme: "I’m just wild about Harry!"— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m just wild about Harry!
Harry Truman 33rd president Democrat The Buck stops here!

2 The Cold War p-59 What is it?
 A constant nonviolent state of hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States

3 Cold War Background Former Allies Clash after WWII
Both have very different ambitions for the future 1. Government 2. New Land acquired from Germany’s Empire Soviet Union: Communism- State Controls all property & economic Activity U.S.- Capitalist: Private Citizens control Econ Activity Held Free Elections: many Political Parties Other Clashes: S.U. angry towards US for keeping Atomic Bomb Secret S.U. Promised free election in Poland & other parts of Eastern Europe the Soviets now occupied (didn’t keep) 3. SU wants reparations from Germany $ SU emerges as HUGE Economic & Military Power Stalin gives a speech “Communism & Capitalism were incompatible & there would def be another World War”



6 Iron Curtain -Winston Churchill in a speech refers to all nations under Soviet control: Iron Curtain -came to stand as the division of Europe & hence the term “Cold War” comes about -satellite nations countries dominated by the SU -


8 Containment -becomes our Foreign policy from 1945-91
-theory of trying to stop the spread of communism to other countries George F. Kennan -*what did communism promise? -*Term “Cold War” is applied: US & SU, neither nation is directly confronted the other on Battlefield


10 Truman Doctrine -Greece and Turkey were in danger of becoming communist, 1947, -Truman decides to give aid to Greece and to any nation that needs it to prevent communism- Spend $4billion Marshal Plan: George Marshall *created a recovery plan for Europe -offered to all nations (against hunger, poverty, desperation & chaos) -plan was a great success as Europe recovered


12 Marshall Plan


14 Marshall Plan


16 -Germany and its capital Berlin were split
Berlin Airlift -Germany and its capital Berlin were split -Soviets blockade Berlin in hopes of controlling it, (*destroyed all railways & roads)- NO supplies/food/fuel to the 2.1 Million residents living there -U.S. decides to airlift supplies for the city by plane rather than back down -airlift lasted nearly a year and brought over 2 million tons of supplies *Planes took off every few minuties *Brought everything from- diapers, Food, medicine, fuel, Christmas Gifts

17 Berlin Airlift By 1949, the SU know it had been beaten and lifted the blockade. The City of Berlin was divided into East & West Berlin– and the SU put up a HUGE wall to keep the East Berliners IN.






23 Cold War Security -National Security Act, 1947
-Created Department of Defense -created the CIA -NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) -end of United States isolationism as we partner with Western Europe 12 Nations pledged military support to any of the other nations if attacked. ***1st time in History the US entered into a military alliance during a time of peace

24 Cold War Security -Atomic bomb tested in USSR, 1949 -Warsaw Pact unites communist nations



27 Korea and the Cold War

28 Korean War At the end of WWII Korean split along 38th parallel (US/Capitalist occupy the South – SU/Communist occupy the North) -Northern Communists invade the south, 1950 -War starts as a UN “police action” to repel the communist aggression -

29 Korean War -U.S. enters troops to save South Korea Gen. Douglas MacArthur :over armed forces Inchon Invasion saves South Korea from Communism, w/many more troops ready to fight -

30 Korean War -MacArthur launches counter attack and pushes into N. Korea across the 38th parallel




34 Korean War -China enters war on side of North Korea -War stalemates at 38th P MacArthur wants to attack China w/ nuclear weapons, disagrees with Truman who wants limited war -MacArthur criticizes the President -Truman fires MacArthur- 70% US agreed w.MacArthur -War drags on for two more years -War finally ends in 1953 near the 38th parallel

35 There is no substitute for victory!

36 You’re fired! “Old Soldiers never die…they just fade away.”

37 Korean War -China enters war on side of North korea -War stalemates MacArthur wants to attack China, disagrees with Truman who wants limited war -MacArthur criticizes the President -Truman fires MacArthur -War drags on for two more years -War finally ends in 1953 near the 38th parallel

38 Results in Korea First integrated units! First police action

39 Vietnam involvement begins
French fighting communist rebels, known as Viet Minh, in Indo China


41 Reference Page: LOC Slide Share Life Photos (Magazine) Wikipedia

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