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S M&A Expertise in Healthcare and Life Sciences: Top 10 Pharmaceutical Deals All-Time &C has played a leading role in the consolidation.

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1 S M&A Expertise in Healthcare and Life Sciences: Top 10 Pharmaceutical Deals All-Time &C has played a leading role in the consolidation of the pharmaceutical sector, advising on six of the ten largest pharmaceutical M&A deals to date. Acquirer Target Date Value ($ millions) Pfizer (U.S.) Allergan (Ireland) 2015 191,522 Warner-Lambert (U.S.) 2000 88,771 Glaxo Wellcome* (U.K.) SmithKline Beecham (U.K.) 78,775 Actavis PLC (Ireland) 2014 66,404 Sanofi-Synthelabo (France) Aventis* (France) 2004 65,657 Wyeth (U.S.) 2009 64,480 Pharmacia* (U.S.) 2003 60,704 Novartis (Switzerland) Alcon* (Switzerland) 2011 50,425*** Roche Holding** (Switzerland) Genentech (U.S.) 46,695 Merck (U.S.) Schering-Plough** (U.S.) 45,913 Source: Thomson Reuters, December 07, 2015 * Representing the company identified ** Representing the financial adviser to the company identified *** Aggregate value of three-step transaction ultimately consummated in 2011

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