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Para-pharmaceuticals Mayyada Wazaify, PhD & Rana Abu-Dahab, PhD

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1 Para-pharmaceuticals Mayyada Wazaify, PhD & Rana Abu-Dahab, PhD
University of Jordan Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Biopharmaceuticals and Clinical Pharmacy Para-pharmaceuticals Mayyada Wazaify, PhD & Rana Abu-Dahab, PhD 6/12/2018

2 What is Parapharmaceuticals?
Para- in the dictionary: 1. <Prefix> A prefix signifying alongside of, beside, beyond, against; As parable, literally, a placing beside, involvement of two like parts or a pair, adjacent, near. 2. (P-). In chemistry, and italicised prefix two substitutions in the benzene ring arranged symmetrically, i.E., Linked to opposite carbon atoms in the ring. 6/12/2018

3 Pharmaceutical preparations:
Drugs intended for human or veterinary use, presented in their finished dosage form. Para the rest beside it!  6/12/2018

4 Examples: Condoms Thermometers Adhesive bandages Dressings
Blood pressure gauge Pregnancy tests Vitamins Paramedical accessories Allergy kits Medicinal plants Smoking-cessation products First-aid kits Insect repellents Urinary incontinence pads Tweezers Essential oils 6/12/2018

5 Self care and OTC medicines
Self care: an action taken by individuals to optimise their health and wellbeing, both physical and mental. Both: prevention of illness and self treatment in minor situations and long term conditions already diagnosed by a doctor. People want more info, choice and control over their health. Self care could lead to improved health and quality of life. 6/12/2018

6 Public would seek advice from health professionals: pharmacists
Pharmacists should have the skills in addressing a problem as well as education to deal with and prevent problems and symptoms in the future. Partnership with medical practitioners 6/12/2018

7 Diagnosis and History Taking
Initial diagnosis is needed to exclude any serious cause that needs medical consultation Screening, sieving process which can be achieved by careful intelligent questioning of the patient 6/12/2018

8 General Rules for Diagnosis
Who is the patient? Third party, child, severe symptoms, signs could be observed Describe the ailment with own words Allow the patient to relax Verbal and non verbal body language Ask about current or recent medicines ! Drug induced symptoms ! Any medications taken but were ineffective 6/12/2018

9 Questions to Ask Site or location.
e.g. Abdominal pain. Where is the pain?: appendicitis, renal colic, peptic ulcer, biliary colic Headache: tension headache, migrain, sinusitis 6/12/2018

10 Onset: when did the symptoms start?
Intensity or severity: pain, bleeding wounds, urgency of the situation. Might call for referral. Duration: might help in diagnosis. Headache: migraine or tension. Diarrhea Onset: when did the symptoms start? Accompanying symptoms: productive cough and diarrhea with blood. Red eye with visual disturbance 6/12/2018

11 Factors that aggravate the condition: peptic ulcer, gall stones
Incidence and frequency: recurrence or relapse: migraine, allergy and hay fever 6/12/2018

12 Minor wounds and secondary bacterial skin infections
Topic No. of lectures 1 Introduction 2 Infant Formulas: Infant physiology and growth, Nutritional standards, Components of a healthy infant diet, Contents of various milks, Medications of breastfeeding, Commercial infants formulas, Therapeutic formulas, Commercially available infant formulas. 3 Diaper rash products: Definition and etiology, Complications of diaper rash, Assessment and treatment of diaper rash, Prevention of diaper rash. Adult urinary incontinence, Commercially available products including extemporaneous preparations. 4 Dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, scaly dermatosis 5 Minor wounds and secondary bacterial skin infections Wound healing process, Wound classification and type, Wound management (pharmacological agents), Wound dressings. 6 Fungal skin infections: Definition, Predisposing factors, Signs and symptoms, Treatment 7 Minor foot disorders: Corn, calluses and warts, Pathophysiology, Signs and symptoms, Treatment 8 Smoking cessations products: Nicotine and its pharmacokinetic, Consequences of smoking (impact on drug therapy), Nicotine replacement therapy, Commercially available products 6/12/2018

13 9 Needles and syringes 2 10 Ophthalmic products: Major categories of non-prescription ophthalmic products (lubricants, decongestants, antihistamines, irrigates, antiseptics), 11 Otic products: Common problems of the ear, assessment and management, Commercially available otic products. 12 Burn and sunburn products: Categorization of burns, Complications of burn injuries, Sunburn, Photosensitization, Treatment of burns, Commercially available products 13 Pediculosis 1 6/12/2018

14 References Handbook of nonprescription drugs: APhA. 16th and 17th editions Minor illness or major disease: clinical pharmacist in the community. PhP. 4th edition Community pharmacy: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Paul Rutter 6/12/2018

15 Evaluation Midterm Exam: 40 marks Quiz/ Assignment: 10 marks
Final: 50 marks 6/12/2018

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