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Professional development training on cataloging at the University Wisconsin-Madison Memorial Library, USA 14th October -24th October, 2016 Aigerim Shurshenova.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional development training on cataloging at the University Wisconsin-Madison Memorial Library, USA 14th October -24th October, 2016 Aigerim Shurshenova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional development training on cataloging at the University Wisconsin-Madison Memorial Library, USA 14th October -24th October, 2016 Aigerim Shurshenova Consultant, Department of Registration and Cataloging of Library Collection «Nazarbayev University Library & IT Services»  Tel: +7 (7172)

2 The UW-Madison Libraries are the 11th largest research collection in North America. The Libraries serve over 4 million visitors a year and collections include: More than 7.3 million printed volumes 55,000 serial titles 6.2 million microforms 160 linear feet of manuscripts Over 7 million items in other formats, including government documents, maps, musical scores and more

3 Memorial library: more than 3 million volumes on 78.5 miles of shelving; is the largest single collection in Wisconsin. The collection includes books, journals, dissertations, newspapers, government documents, electronic resources, and other media selected to meet the needs of the UW-Madison teaching, learning, and research communities; Is a unique and rich collection includes materials in more than 350 languages.

4 Facts about Memorial Library
Volumes: 3 million+ Microform items: 1.2 million+ Length of shelving: 78.5 miles Size of building: 356,211 sq ft Number of study seats: 2,327 People who visit every year: ~1 million

5 Cataloging tools Alma is a secure, integrated library software system (ILS) for managing the acquisition, sharing, cataloging, and use of all kinds of resources, including physical and electronic books, physical and electronic periodicals, and digital resources (such as audio, image, and video files); has been developed by Ex Libris Group (Israeli software company that develops integrated library systems and other library software); supports the entire suite of library operations—selection, acquisition, metadata management, digitization, and fulfillment — for the full spectrum of library materials, regardless of format or location; Based on the MARC format

6 Alma (continuance) Advantages: Marc-21;
Variety of processes and workflows Multilingual thesaurus support Integrated work with multiple providers Disadvantages: No link between bibliographic and authority data

7 Cataloging types 2 ways of cataloging:
Copy cataloging - it is a process when we can download record from other catalogue (If a matching record exists on it) Original cataloging - creating a record for an item without the aid of another library's record

8 Copy cataloging tool Advantages OCLC Connexion
access to the OCLC system for cataloging Advantages Support for non-Latin scripts (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Tamil, Thai etc.); Search WorldCat online; Create and edit bibliographic records, including constant data; Export records; Import records; Search the Library of Congress (LC) authority file; Use authority records and control headings in bibliographic records; Export bibliographic records using either MARC 21 or one of the Dublin Core record standards

9 Original cataloging creating a record for an item without copying (It requires proficiency both in descriptive cataloging and subject cataloging and using cataloging tools such as: RDA (Resource Description and Access), LCC (Library of Congress Classification), LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings)

10 Cataloging tools
RDA: Resource Description and Access is a standard for descriptive cataloging; is based on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR); Exclude abbreviation of phrases by contrast with AACR2 LC Classification Web easy to use Flexible interface constant updating from Library of Congress

11 Thank you!

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