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Welcome to.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to

2 Happy Mothers’ Day

3 Welcome TeamMates GUESTS!!
Who’s new at Your table Today?

4 “Thanks!” for the great snacks !!

5 Prayer Requests!

6 Announcements Happenings!


8 Clothing Ministry Sort
May 7, 2016 A great success!



11 Saying farewell to Teammates
See ya Later. Gator! John & terry harris

12 Today’s presentation with:
And now! Today’s presentation with: Jack Lea

13 Life Changes for Couples The Emotional/Spiritual Principle
Today’s Lesson – May 8, 2016 Life Changes for Couples The Emotional/Spiritual Principle

14 Life Changes for Couples by James M. Reeves
A Biblical 12-Step Journey for Marriage Enrichment

15 The Book Process Instruction Interaction Introspection Table Talk
Bringing it home Making it real A Texas 2-Step The Challenge Identified The Step Explained Instruction Interaction Introspection A Tool Box The means to remember A picture to support

16 Freedom Group Guidelines
Anonymity – protect identities Confidentiality – said at table stays at table Self-Focus – this is self-help not fix others Respect – we are all messes so be respectful Letting God Work – share you do not preach at them Limited Sharing – be aware of others’ need to share Allowance of feelings – deal with them kindly Regular Attendance – showing up matters Listening – do we need a talking stick? Staying on subject – rabbit holes are for hunting rabbits

17 Principle: Your spiritual maturity will never go beyond your emotional maturity.
Your spiritual growth will never go beyond your emotional growth You can never have a more intimate relationship with God than you are capable of having with other people Your level of emotional maturity will always create a being for your spiritual maturity If you desire to grow deeper in an intimate relationship to the heavenly Father, you must grow in your capacity to have a deeper intimate, soul-to-soul relationship with others


19 Spiritual Maturity What is Your Definition?
How does it manifest itself?

20 You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you:
“This people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.” Matthew 15: 7 -9

21 Spiritual Maturity: An increasing capacity to have an intimate relationship with the heavenly Father


23 Emotional Maturity What is Your Definition?
How does it manifest itself?

24 Emotional Maturity: An increasing capacity to experience and maintain intimate relationships with other people.

25 Table Talk - Read and Discuss
I John 4:7-8, 20 Matthew 5: Matthew 6:12 1Corinthians 3: 1 - 3

26 Emotional Immaturity Is rooted in wounds we suffer
Often happen early on - in childhood Emotional healing releases these burdens The poison is healed by the antibiotic of emotional healing as we release anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness Healing – opens us up to new possibilities in relationships with others - and most importantly - with God

27 Table Talk Share a personal story of emotional healing
Discuss a Biblical emotional healing story


29 Table Talk (with your spouse only)
What are some ways you have been emotionally wounded? What have been some of the relational results you have seen in your marriage? What is the most important thing you have learned in this chapter?

30 Homework What is the most important thing about you
that relates to this chapter you are going to share with your spouse this week?

31 Prayer Time Pray for your marriage
Pray for your spouse – no 'fix them' prayers Pray for Team Mates – arm us for spiritual warfare Pray for yourself – seek to realize your need for healing and seek God to be healed

32 Life Change for Couples
Next Week… May 15th Life Change for Couples Chapter 3 The Pile Principle

33 Have a Blessed Week!

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