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Presentation on theme: "Ready...Set...URIs...Actionable!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready...Set...URIs...Actionable!
2015 ALA Midwinter Meeting ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging Norms Interest Group January 31, 2015 Ready...Set...URIs...Actionable! Dan Tam Do Metadata Services Manager George Washington University Libraries Jackie Shieh Coordinator, Resource Description George Washington University Libraries

2 Identifiers Why identifiers?
First of Tim Berners-Lee’s four principles of linked data: “Use URIs as names for Things.”

3 Resource The THING that has an identity

4 Uniformity Why uniform identifiers?
Uniformity facilitates semantic interpretation

5 Why IRIs? URIs: US-ASCII, subset of IRI IRIs: fully Unicode-enabled

6 ASCII (URI) vs. UTF-8 (IRI)


8 Actionability Why actionable URIs/IRIs?
Second of Tim Berners-Lee’s four principles of linked data: “Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.” RFC 2616 (1999) Actionable refers to a scheme-specific syntax and semantics using HTTP protocol for URIs.

9 Actionability Use HTTP scheme to query and retrieve:
" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]] Hyper text transfer protocol, an application protocol, is fundamental to data communication on the Web Rules that provide good practice on format design and management -- follow the pattern, reuse existing ID, link multiple representations, implement 303 redirects for RWO, use dedicated services Avoids: stating ownership, version number, auto-increment, query strings, file extension

10 Actionability Not actionable: (OCoLC)fst00903451 Actionable:

11 Current environment Where does linked data fit in?
First two principles of linked data already within reach

12 A mighty subfield $0 Authority record control number or standard number Available for X00, X10, X11, X30, 240, most 65X, others Repeatable

13 Processing Batch processing using MarcEdit

14 Processing Batch processing with Perl scripting

15 Processing Single record updating using URIs provided by, FAST, VIAF, other services

16 Costs and benefits Costs and drawbacks time spent learning, training
time spent performing additional step, quality control, supplemental editing lack of immediate visible results

17 Costs and benefits Benefits improved knowledge of MARC
acquaintance with, FAST, VIAF improved MarcEdit skills “things” vs. “strings”

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