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Manometer Man questions – depending on your answer, the meter will go up or down 1. How many times a week do you shave your face? 2. Have you ever shot.

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Presentation on theme: "Manometer Man questions – depending on your answer, the meter will go up or down 1. How many times a week do you shave your face? 2. Have you ever shot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manometer Man questions – depending on your answer, the meter will go up or down 1. How many times a week do you shave your face? 2. Have you ever shot a gun? Then actually hit your target? 3. How many times have you wrestled a bear? An older relative? And won! 4. Do you emit gasses from your body in public on a daily basis? 5. Have you been caught down town wearing a dress?

2 Manometer Pressure What is pressure? What creates atmospheric pressure? How do we measure atmos. Pressure?

3 Mercurial Barometer - operates from
the response of Mercury (Hg) to air pressure

4 Aneroid Barometer; means without liquid;
operates with a vacuum chamber and air pressure

5 Pressure Units of measure 1 atmos = 760mmHg 1 atmos = 101.3 kPa
1 atmos = 1, mb Say What? (1 atmos = about 14 lbs / in2) Pressure = Force / area 1.0 Pascal = 1.0 N/ 1.0 m2 A Newton is a force; (= ¼ pound) 1.0 N = 1.0 kg x 1.0 m/s2 Area – meters squared, 1m * 1m = m2

6 Converting bars to millibars or millibars to bars; converting Pascal’s to bars, or bars to Pascal’s
Essentially . . . 1. What’s a bar of pressure? 1.0 atmosphere of pressure = 1.0 Bar Given: 1.0 atmos = 1,013.0 mb 1.0 millibar = atmos pressure You’ll have to assume its the same as 1.0 atmos = bar To convert back to millibar; move the decimal three to the right; so bar = 1, mb Or recall 1 milli of something is 1/1000th (0.001) of a bar but will be presented as 1.0mb 2. Bars to Pascal’s; 1Pa = 1.0N / m2 Given: 1 atmos = kPa If we just have Pascal’s; How many Pascal’s are in one atmosphere? Essentially . . . 1.0 atmos = 101,300 Pa – this is the base unit, a value of 1.0 Meterologist will use the kilo Pascal; so that’s a 1000 Pascals. To convert from a Pascal to kilopascal, you’ll need to move the decimal three to the left. 101,300Pa = kPa So: 1.0 bar = 101,300 Pa

7 But . . . What do the meteorologist use? millibars and kilopascals.
Given: 1 mbar = hPa; meaning one millibar equals 100 Pascal’s OR 1/10th of a kPa. Here’s the breakdown: 1.0 bar = 101,300 Pa Often written as: mb = 0.1 kPa How do we get that? Convert the bar to millibar; do the same to the other side Move the decimal three to the left for the bar and the Pascal From: Bar to millibar 0.001 bar What’s done to one side of an equation must be done to the other side! 101,300 Pascals will become Pa Now it’s 1.0mb 1 mb = Pascals Which can be expressed as 1mb = 1 hPa But – the scientist decided to go ahead and make 1mb = 0.1kPa ( 0.1 kPa = 1.0 hPa) Check your understanding! 1. How many millibars will be in one kPa? = _____mb 10 atmos. = kPa = __________ mb 1,000

8 In Summary or to simplify just remember
1 atmos = 1.0 Full bar = 101,300 Pa These are all the base units! STP is one atmosphere of pressure at 0° C. Since this would be a freezing temperature at sea level, most of the time dry air is less dense than the cited value. However, air typically contains a lot of water vapor, which would make it more dense than the cited value. Atmospheric Pressure Units of measure 1 atmos = 760mmHg 1 atmos = kPa 1 atmos = 1, mb OR 1.0 bar To complicate everything check out all the atmospheric conversions

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