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APAPER 2015.

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1 APAPER 2015

2 Director of schools: Key responsibilities
Daily mgt of Quality of education, school representative, implement committee resolution in terms of education 1. Schools representative (Ensure a good I &Ext relationship (compliance to Gvt & ROI rules) 2. Effective mgt of Quality of Education ( Rules REB, WDA, ROI compliance) 3. Effective mgt of ressources allocated to education process 4. Schools activities monitoring & follow up (acurate reports: action based) 5. Implementation of committee resolution (education promotion (completness ratio) 6. Other activities decided by the committee

3 Studies officers. Key responsibilities
Ensure quality of education is delivered (Compliance to REB, WDA, ROI stdrs) 1.Availability of didactic materials, tools & equipments & their effective use 2. Teachers comply with rules (REB &ROI stdrs (right lesson at the right time): Inspection, coach, partnership 3. Effective testing system is in place & comply with stdrs 4. Monitor & follow up «  quality of education factors » and analysed report 5. Ensure Good collaboration with all involved in education (teachers, children, parents & other .. 6. Other activities decided by the director of schools

4 Gestion comptable: key Responsibilities
Effective mgt of ressources (all ressources) (Rules: manuel des proecedures, stds) 1. Effective management of administrative activities 2. Budget preparation & execution (schools & Association) 3. Effective Financial management (daily account up date)  4. Effective maintenance & protection of infrastructure, Equipment & other Association ressources 5. Effective HR management (recrutement, Professional dvpt, motivation) 6. Efficient material & equipment delivery system in place and comply with procedures 7. Monitoring & follow up & Reporting of GCactivities 8. Other: management activities requested by the committee

5 Discipline officers (A0& A2): key responsibilities
Ensure effective management of discipline & hygiene 1. Teaching activities (minimum required by REB) 2. Veiller à la Discipline des élèves, du personnel d’appui et des enseignants  3. Veiller au respect de l’Hygiène et de l’Assainissement en milieu Scolaire (HAS) 4. Coordonner les activités parascolaires – axes transversaux (sport, culture, santé, clubs…) 5. Monitoring & follow up & Reporting AG activities 6. Other: decided by director of schools

6 Assistant to director and or to Gestion comptable: key responsibilities
Ensure the secretariate is appreciated by user 1. Customer care ( I & External users) 2. Bien mener la Secrétariat et Bureautique 3. S’assurer du bon archivage pour les écoles 4. Monitoring & follow up & Reporting AG activities 5. Other: decided by dir des ecoles / gestion compt./ study & discipline officers

7 Auditor (contract): key responsibiliy
Ensure the compliance to rules 1. Carry out the audit «  Compliance to stdrs( ROI / REB and WDA) and ressources management procedures (Finances…) (Commissaire aux comptes ? ) High experienced in institution mgt, skilled in auditing, working on part time contract, reporting to RL

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